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发布时间:2018-05-23 18:37

  本文选题:房地产项目 + 景观 ; 参考:《天津大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在房地产行业发展的黄金十年中,迅速的发展为房地产开发商带来了巨额、快速的收益,但同时也让它们忽略了对房地产项目品质的精雕细琢。而随着我国房地产行业的不断发展和日趋成熟,房地产企业之间的竞争也日趋激烈,消费者对于项目本身的品质要求也越来越高。在这种情况下,“黄金十年”中快速扩张的发展模式就显得不合时宜。只有对项目开发流程进行有效控制、保证商品质量才是提升企业核心竞争力的根本途径。 景观作为房地产项目开发的有机组成部分,近年来受到了开发商乃至普通消费者越来越多的重视。因此,景观品质的控制也逐渐成为开发商眼中的重要发力点之一。行业的龙头企业龙湖地产就是其中的典范。对景观品质的着力打造为龙湖创造出了巨大的品牌价值,其“五重景观”的景观理念在业界备受推崇,也得到了消费者的高度认可。由此可见景观品质对于整个房地产项目的重要意义。 针对这种情况,本文从房地产项目开发流程的现状出发对景观品质的控制流程进行研究。首先,,对房地产开发的基础理论进行讨论,明晰基本概念、确认房地产项目的特点,以此为景观品质控制流程的研究确立基础和明确方向。其次,在理论研究的基础上,针对房地产项目景观开发的各个环节进行深入研究,对景观品质控制的流程进行梳理,形成完整的房地产项目景观品质控制体系。第三,将该控制体系在实践中加以使用,并验证其可操作性和有效性。同时根据在实践中积累的经验、教训对理论体系进行进一步修正、调整,使理论体系更加完善。 通过以上研究形成了具有较强可操作性和实践意义的房地产景观品质控制流程,对房地产项目开发具有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:In the golden decade of the development of real estate industry, the rapid development of real estate developers has brought huge, rapid returns, but also let them ignore the quality of real estate projects. With the continuous development and maturity of the real estate industry in our country, the competition among the real estate enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, and consumers have higher and higher quality requirements for the project itself. In this case, the "Golden decade" in the rapid expansion of the development model seems inappropriate. Only by effectively controlling the process of project development and ensuring the quality of commodities is the fundamental way to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. Landscape, as an organic part of real estate development, has been paid more and more attention by developers and even ordinary consumers in recent years. Therefore, the control of landscape quality has gradually become an important point in the eyes of developers. The industry's leading enterprise Longhu real estate is one of the models. The effort to create the landscape quality has created a huge brand value for Longhu, its "five landscape" landscape concept is highly respected in the industry, but also highly recognized by consumers. Thus, the landscape quality for the whole real estate project is of great significance. In view of this situation, this paper studies the landscape quality control process from the current situation of the real estate project development process. Firstly, the basic theory of real estate development is discussed, the basic concept is clarified, and the characteristics of real estate project are confirmed, so as to establish the foundation and clear direction for the research of landscape quality control process. Secondly, on the basis of theoretical research, the landscape quality control process of real estate projects is combed to form a complete landscape quality control system of real estate projects. Thirdly, the control system is used in practice to verify its maneuverability and effectiveness. At the same time, according to the experience accumulated in practice, the theoretical system is further revised and adjusted to make the theoretical system more perfect. Through the above research, the real estate landscape quality control process with strong maneuverability and practical significance has been formed, which has certain reference significance to the real estate project development.


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