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发布时间:2018-05-24 23:32

  本文选题:和谐度 + 指标体系 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着城镇化进程的加速,居民生活水平不断提高,可支配收入快速增长,消费者的住房观念发生了巨大变化,对住宅小区品质的要求也越来越强烈。在这种背景下,如何更好的把握消费者的需求,更有效地开发出消费者真正需要的产品,是开发商所面临亟待解决的新的房地产投资决策问题。因此,根据市场需求,对住宅小区这一特殊产品进行整体和谐度评价就具有重要理论意义和实用价值。 论文在详细综述可持续发展理论、绿色建筑理论、和谐理论、可拓原理等相关理论中关于住宅小区评价的研究基础上,对绿色住宅小区及生态住宅小区的概念及内涵加以扩展,引出住宅小区和谐度的概念及内涵;根据上述理念提出住宅小区评价指标体系构建原则以及指标体系的构建方法,为体现住宅小区和谐度的内涵,选取了包含住宅性能、住区规划、住区环境和住区服务等4个一级指标,户型配比、功能空间设置、单位面积造价、建筑节能率、得房率、人口适度规模、功能用地配比、地理位置、容积率、绿化环境、交通环境、声环境、光环境、物业管理、医疗卫生、文娱活动等16个二级指标,构成住宅小区和谐度评价指标体系,并对各二级指标及其评价标准进行了详细的论述;根据可拓原理,确定了指标的经典域和节域,建立住宅小区的待评物元并计算关联度,推导出住宅小区和谐度层次可拓评价模型;最后,运用该模型对实例项目进行系统的分析和评价,经模型计算,得出了该住宅小区和谐度评价等级。评价结果为开发商投资决策提供了一种新的参考。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of urbanization, the standard of living of residents has been improved, the disposable income has increased rapidly, the concept of housing of consumers has changed greatly, and the demand for the quality of residential quarters has become more and more intense. In this context, how to better grasp the needs of consumers, more effectively develop the products that consumers really need, is a new real estate investment decision problem that developers are faced with urgently to be solved. Therefore, according to the market demand, it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to evaluate the whole harmony degree of this special product. On the basis of summarizing the theory of sustainable development, green building theory, harmony theory, extension theory and so on, the paper expands the concept and connotation of green residential district and ecological residential district. This paper introduces the concept and connotation of the harmony degree of residential district, and puts forward the construction principle of evaluation index system and the construction method of index system according to the above concept. In order to reflect the connotation of harmony degree of residential district, it selects the housing performance. Residential area planning, residential environment and residential services, household matching, functional space setting, unit area cost, building energy saving rate, housing rate, population appropriate scale, functional land ratio, geographical location, volume ratio, Green environment, traffic environment, sound environment, light environment, property management, medical and health, cultural and recreational activities and other 16 secondary indicators, constitute a residential community harmony evaluation index system, According to the extension principle, the classical domain and the section domain of the index are determined, and the matter element to be evaluated in the residential district is established and the correlation degree is calculated. The hierarchical extension evaluation model of the residential district harmony degree is derived. Finally, the model is used to systematically analyze and evaluate the actual project, and through the model calculation, the evaluation grade of the residential district harmony degree is obtained. The evaluation results provide a new reference for the investment decision of developers.


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