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发布时间:2018-05-26 01:14

  本文选题:房地产业 + 政府调控政策 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产行业是我国社会主义市场经济的关键领域和重要组成部分,已经成为我国国民经济的支柱性产业。随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国房地产业也日益繁荣。但是房地产市场繁荣的背后带来的高房价,导致了大量中低收入家庭的住房问题日益凸显,成为社会关注的热点问题。 房地产市场本身的特性以及所处的重要地位决定了政府对其进行干预的必要性。政府在发展中的作用是不可或缺的。面对高房价,政府连续出台相关政策对其进行规范和干预,,但是这些政策的实际执行效果却差强人意。本文在充分分析货币政策、税收政策、土地政策及行政政策的传导机制基础之上,从近年已经出台的调控政策入手,分析这些政策存在的问题和缺陷,并以河北省为例对比近些年政府调控政策对房地产市场和住房消费行为的影响,最后综合提出了相关完善手段。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry is a key field and an important part of our socialist market economy, and has become the pillar industry of our national economy. With the rapid development of our country's economy, the real estate industry of our country is booming day by day. However, the high housing prices brought by the boom of the real estate market has led to a large number of housing problems of low- and middle-income families, which has become a hot issue of social concern. The nature and importance of the real estate market determine the necessity of government intervention. The role of government in development is indispensable. In the face of high house prices, the government has continuously issued related policies to regulate and intervene in them, but the actual implementation of these policies is unsatisfactory. Based on the analysis of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, tax policy, land policy and administrative policy, this paper analyzes the problems and defects of these policies from the perspective of the regulatory policies that have been introduced in recent years. Taking Hebei Province as an example, this paper compares the influence of government regulation and control policies on real estate market and housing consumption behavior in recent years.


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