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发布时间:2018-05-29 01:25

  本文选题:衡阳博达房地产公司 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:自从二十世纪九十年代末以来,我国房地产业一直处于快速发展期,然而随着近年来行业竞争态势的日趋加剧以及国家宏观调控政策的不断出台,中国房地产行业可能面临重新洗牌的危机。在这种新形势下,衡阳博达房地产公司作为正处于发展高峰期的年轻房企,面临着前所未有的压力和挑战,再加之公司内部出现组织结构、人力资源管理以及企业文化建设与公司现阶段的发展相脱节等问题,因此,公司的当务之急是制定一个切实可行且符合公司未来发展的战略,以提高企业市场竞争力。 本论文以衡阳博达房地产公司为研究对象,首先运用企业战略管理理论与博达房地产公司的实际情况相结合,研究了衡阳博达房地产公司所面临的宏观环境、行业竞争环境、内部环境等发展环境,其中宏观环境包括政治环境、经济环境、社会环境以及技术环境,行业竞争环境主要包括行业现有竞争对手、行业潜在竞争对手、供应商议价能力、买房者议价能力以及替代产品的威胁,内部环境主要包括公司组织结构、公司人力资源状况、公司开发情况;然后应用SWOT分析法识别出自身的优势、存在的劣势、公司潜在的机会和面临的威胁,并在此基础上制定出公司的总体发展战略,包括战略定位、战略目标、战略类型选择、战略步骤以及战略重点等。 最后基于衡阳博达房地产公司的总体发展战略与现阶段公司的发展环境,指出了衡阳博达房地产公司战略实施过程中可能出现的障碍,并设计出组织结构再造、薪酬管理体系设计、企业文化建设、企业核心竞争力培育这四大保障战略以顺利实施的支撑体系,,同时提出了战略实施效果的评价与反馈的相关建议。
[Abstract]:Since the late 1990s, China's real estate industry has been in a period of rapid development. However, with the increasing competition in the industry in recent years and the introduction of national macroeconomic control policies, China's real estate industry could face a crisis of reshuffling. Under this new situation, Hengyang Boda Real Estate Company, as a young housing enterprise at the peak of its development, is facing unprecedented pressure and challenges, coupled with the emergence of an organizational structure within the company. The management of human resources and the construction of corporate culture are out of step with the development of the company at the present stage. Therefore, the urgent task of the company is to formulate a feasible strategy in line with the future development of the company in order to improve the market competitiveness of the company. This paper takes Hengyang Boda Real Estate Company as the research object. Firstly, combining the theory of enterprise strategic management with the actual situation of Boda Real Estate Company, this paper studies the macro environment and industry competition environment faced by Hengyang Boda Real Estate Company. The macro environment includes the political environment, the economic environment, the social environment and the technological environment. The competition environment in the industry mainly includes the existing competitors in the industry, the potential competitors in the industry, and the bargaining power of the suppliers. The internal environment mainly includes the organization structure of the company, the human resource condition of the company, the development of the company, and then uses the SWOT analysis method to identify its own advantages and disadvantages. The potential opportunities and threats faced by the company, and on this basis, the overall development strategy of the company, including strategic positioning, strategic objectives, strategic choice, strategic steps and strategic priorities, etc. Finally, based on the overall development strategy of Hengyang Boda real estate company and the development environment of the company at present, this paper points out the possible obstacles in the implementation process of Hengyang Boda real estate company strategy, and designs the organizational structure reengineering. The salary management system design, enterprise culture construction and enterprise core competence cultivation are the supporting systems for the successful implementation of the four strategies. At the same time, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the evaluation and feedback of the effect of the implementation of the strategy.


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