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发布时间:2018-05-30 08:44

  本文选题:培训体系 + 企业培训 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:培训作为现代企业人力资源管理的重要手段,对企业的发展有着重要作用。但不同行业因自身业务特点的不同,培训的体系和方法也都不同,虽存在可借鉴性,却绝不能照搬复制。房地产中介行业作为国民经济中的重要环节,发挥着越来越无法替代的作用。在一些房地产中介企业中,,完整的培训体系架构首先没有建立,其次就是即便有了培训体系,但很难实现培训的落实,培训往往要为销售让步。造成这种现象的原因很复杂,最重要的还是因为培训不能被企业负责人认可,适合自己企业的培训体系没有建立完善,通过培训未能见到销售业绩的提升。因此,建立适应企业自身的培训体系尤为必要的。 本文以天津中原地产为例,通过查阅相关文件及实际工作中的经验总结,以行业特点描述、培训理论支持、公司自身情况等为基础,以公司培训和区域培训相结合的体系构建作为研究重点,借鉴同行业公司培训体系的优势,从课程的设置、计划的拟定、人员的匹配到培训考核机制的建立、阶段性的总结等方面进行研究、分析,建立适合天津中原地产企业发展的培训体系。此外,明确公司培训讲师选拔、激励、管理的制度和流程,为公司的发展壮大提供强大的讲师团队,也不会因人员变动而捉襟见肘。最后,根据培训实施情况进行总结,并对培训体系提出未来的改进建议。希望可以通过本文最终为天津中原地产培训体系的完善提供帮助,也为房地产中介行业培训体系构建提供素材。
[Abstract]:As an important means of human resource management in modern enterprises, training plays an important role in the development of enterprises. However, different industries have different training systems and methods because of their own business characteristics, although they can be used for reference, they must not copy. As an important link in the national economy, the real estate intermediary industry plays a more and more irreplaceable role. In some real estate intermediary enterprises, the complete training system architecture is not established first, and secondly, even if there is a training system, it is very difficult to implement the training, training often has to give in for sales. The reasons for this phenomenon are very complex, the most important is that the training can not be recognized by the business leaders, the training system suitable for their own enterprises has not been established and perfected, and the sales performance can not be improved through training. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to establish a training system that adapts to the enterprise itself. This article takes Tianjin Central Plains Real Estate as an example, through consulting relevant documents and practical work experience summary, based on the description of industry characteristics, training theory support, the company's own situation, etc. Taking the system construction of the combination of company training and regional training as the research focus, drawing lessons from the advantages of the training system of the same industry companies, from curriculum setting, planning, personnel matching to the establishment of training assessment mechanism, Research, analysis and establish a training system suitable for the development of Tianjin Zhongyuan real estate enterprises. In addition, clear company training instructor selection, incentive, management system and process, for the development of the company to provide a strong team of lecturers, but also not overstretched by personnel changes. Finally, according to the implementation of the training summarized, and the training system to propose future improvements. Through this paper, I hope to provide help for the improvement of Tianjin Zhongyuan real estate training system, and also provide materials for the construction of real estate intermediary industry training system.


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