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发布时间:2018-05-31 19:04

  本文选题:家庭金融行为 + 金融资产配置 ; 参考:《西南交通大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, there have been some achievements in the research of household finance at home and abroad, but most of these studies focus on a single developed country, and a few on the comparison of household financial asset allocation behavior between China and developed countries. Also stay in the family asset structure contrast and qualitative analysis level. Family financial behavior is influenced by demographic factors, but the same demographic characteristics will cause different family financial behavior characteristics for families in different countries due to the existence of country differences. Therefore, on the basis of the comparison between Chinese and American household financial behavior, this paper probes into the factors that have different influence on the household financial behavior of the two countries from the micro level, and explains the reasons why the two countries show different characteristics of household financial behavior. This paper defines household financial behavior as family financial asset investment and household liability behavior. The research methods combine theory with empirical research. First of all, this paper combs and summarizes the related theories of household finance, compares the financial asset structure and debt level of Chinese and American households, and makes an empirical study on the factors that affect the risk preference and debt selection of Chinese and American family financial investment. The reasons why these factors have different influences on the financial behavior of Chinese and American households are also analyzed. In the empirical method, this paper adopts the dual probit model to analyze the factors that affect the probability and the liability probability of the household holding risky financial assets, and uses the tobit model to study the factors that affect the share of the household financial assets and the degree of the liabilities. Through theoretical analysis and empirical research, this paper compares the financial behavior of Chinese and American households, and finds that the level of economic development, the degree of capital market development and the social security system are different. At the same time, demographic factors such as age, education and other demographic factors also significantly affect family financial behavior, but the role of the two countries is not the same. In addition, demographic factors, consumption traditions, real estate and other factors will have a certain impact on the level of household debt, these factors lead to the combined role of Chinese and American households in debt behavior differences. In view of the main conclusions, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions, such as optimizing the capital market environment, improving the education level, formulating a perfect pension plan, ensuring the healthy development of the real estate market and encouraging small loans.


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