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发布时间:2018-06-02 10:37

  本文选题:写字楼 + 营销策略 ; 参考:《厦门大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the government's increasing regulation and control of the housing market, the office building market has begun to warm up, and developers are increasingly bullish on the office building market, investing in the construction of office buildings in order to increase the supply of office space in Xiamen and keep it at a higher level. The annual supply of Xiamen office buildings in the past 5 years is about 2.917 million square meters. Against this background, Xiamen's first pure office twin tower, developed by the Xiamen Municipal State-Owned Enterprise Special Room Group, will soon enter the market in 2014. For the special housing group which has been engaged in residential development for a long time, it is an important task to make the marketing mix strategy for local office buildings. For the marketing of real estate projects, developers and planning agencies often pay attention to "how to sell", but often ignore the issue of "what to sell". Based on the characteristics of the special room international center project, this paper analyzes the internal and external environment of the special room group, analyzes the present situation of Xiamen office building market, and then makes a positioning of the project, and makes use of the relevant marketing theory. This paper puts forward the marketing combination strategy of the special room international center project, that is, the product strategy, the pricing strategy, the promotion and the distribution strategy.


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