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发布时间:2018-06-02 17:32

  本文选题:土地综合监控系统 + 监控 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济的发展,科技的进步。政府机关越来越多的职能工作已经转移到网络上来进行,进而形成业务数据的积累。随着信息化建设和数据基础的不断深入与丰富,建立完善的国土资源综合监控系统,全面提升国土资源运维管理效率和管理水平,将对发挥电子政务绩效、提供公共服务效益起到至关重要的作用。天津市国土资源和房屋管理局领导的思想再次走在了时代的前沿,升华管理观念,完成信息化建设从量变到质变的转化。 本项目开发本着实现实用性、易用性、先进性、可扩展性。通过软件系统应支持交互式图形操作,所见即所得;信息输入、输出格式明晰,减少人工参与程度;符合用户操作、设计习惯;采用面向对象技术实现,提供服务的接口方式,可以方便地和现有的一张图工程其他系统相结合;根据业务、设计需求划分软件包功能模块,每个模块划分合理,耗费系统资源少,速度快,减少人工参与程度;便于软件系统新增功能的扩展等。实现提高管理水平:建立一个功能完善、使用灵活的土地综合监控系统。加强土地监控数据的监管能力和辅助管理能力;提高办事效率:实现在共享信息的基础上,构建基于GIS的具有良好人机交互界面的土地综合监控系统,提高市局和分局之间在土地监控方面的沟通效率,,提高本系统与一张图工程其他系统之间的沟通效率。 《天津市土地综合监控系统》最突出的特点是基于天津市国土资源和房屋管理局统一的GIS平台和数据库开发,将综合监控功能融入日常业务中,彻底解决部门领导对本部门数据,局领导对整体数据和跨部门数据的分析与监控问题。项目应用范围为天津市国土资源和房屋管理局市局、各区(县)国土资源分局(12个)、各区(县)房屋管理分局(18个)、执法队总队。先进的管理理论、方法为指导,以地理信息系统(GIS)为技术平台,采用数据仓库与数据挖掘技术,实现土地综合监控系统建设。开发具有技术先进、自动化程度高、实用灵活等特性的管理系统。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the progress of science and technology. More and more functions of government agencies have been transferred to the network, thus forming the accumulation of business data. With the development of information construction and data base, the establishment of a comprehensive land and resources monitoring system to improve the efficiency and management level of land and resources operation and maintenance will play an important role in the performance of e-government. The effectiveness of the provision of public services plays a crucial role. The thoughts of the leaders of Tianjin Land and Resources Administration and Housing Administration once again walk in the forefront of the times, sublimate the concept of management, and complete the transformation of information construction from quantitative to qualitative. The project development in order to achieve practicality, ease of use, advanced, extensible. Through the software system, we should support interactive graphic operation, what we see is what we get; the information input and output format is clear, and the degree of manual participation is reduced; it conforms to user operation and design habits; it is realized by object oriented technology and provides service interface. It can be easily combined with other existing drawing engineering systems, according to business, design software package function modules, each module is divided reasonably, consume less system resources, speed up, reduce the degree of human participation; It is convenient to extend the new function of software system. To improve the management level: to establish a comprehensive land monitoring system with perfect function and flexible use. To strengthen the ability of land monitoring data supervision and assistant management, to improve the efficiency of work: to build a comprehensive land monitoring system with good man-machine interface based on GIS based on the sharing of information. Improve the communication efficiency between municipal bureau and sub-bureau in land monitoring, and improve the communication efficiency between the system and other systems of a drawing project. The most prominent feature of the "Tianjin Land Integrated Monitoring system" is that it is based on the unified GIS platform and database development of Tianjin Land, Resources and Housing Administration, and integrates the integrated monitoring function into daily business. Solve the problem of department leader's analysis and monitoring of the whole data and cross-departmental data. The application scope of the project is Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Land, Resources and Housing Administration, District (County) Land and Resources Sub-Bureau (12), District (County) Housing Management Sub-Bureau (18), Law Enforcement team. Under the guidance of advanced management theory and method, taking GIS as the technical platform and adopting data warehouse and data mining technology, the construction of land comprehensive monitoring system is realized. Development of advanced technology, high degree of automation, practical and flexible characteristics of the management system.


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