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发布时间:2018-06-02 20:28

  本文选题:小产权房 + 城乡土地二元制 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几年,我国住房市场需求旺盛,房价不断攀升,城市土地价格也随之上涨,而农村土地价值与城市土地价值相比却一文不值。在这样的背景下,一方面,部分城市周边的村集体或农民受经济利益的驱动,不惜冒着法律风险以“新农村建设”为幌子,兴建小产权房。另一方面,城市中生活的中低收入人群面对巨额房款,无力实现“住有所居”。由此,小产权房以其价格低廉与城市中低收入人群的住房购买能力正好实现了供需匹配,一时之间使小产权房市场堪称火爆。目前,小产权房在我国急速扩展,对我国经济社会造成了巨大影响。小产权房不仅影响了我国房地产市场正常秩序,更重要的是小产权房继续蔓延在一定程度上制约着我国经济社会发展。 小产权房问题该如何处理,已成为目前中国十大热点问题之一,其也引发了社会各界的广泛讨论,目前大都在争论该不该“转正”小产权房。事实上,解决小产权房问题的关键不在于该不该“转正”小产权房,而在于该如何“转正”小产权房。只有有了合理的“转正”方案,才能为判断该不该“转正”小产权房提供决策依据。因此,为了能为解决小产权房问题提供决策建议,本文假设小产权房可以“转正”,从如何“转正”小产权房角度,对小产权房具体“转正”路径进行了详细研究。本文梳理和分析了小产权房现状及其形成核心原因,并结合我国二元土地制度改革现状、住房供应“双轨制”以及小产权房的相关法律法规,创新性地构建了小产权房多模式的“转正”路径。 本文由九个部分组成。第一部分主要阐述了本文研究背景、意义、内容以及方法等。重点梳理了有关于小产权房问题的国内研究现状,为本文提供理论基石。第二部分主要是分析了小产权房现状、相关政策、形成原因,对小产权房“转正”争议点进行了梳理,并作出了小产权房“转正”的前提假设。第三部分主要是从小产权房所涉及利益主体和占有土地用地性质两个不同角度对小产权房进行了分类。并以此为基础,设置了小产权房的确权标准,进行分类确权,即确立小产权房“转正”具体范围,为小产权房“转正”设立了门槛。第四部分着重于构建了多模式的小产权房“转正”路径。以商品房、保障性住房等为出路,研究了小产权房“转正”具体操作程序。第五部分主要是在小产权房“转正”基础上,设计了小产权房“转正”经济补偿标准,以确保小产权房多模式“转正”路径具有可操作性。第六部分主要是构建了“转正”小产权房上市交易模式,,结合现行住房市场交易规定,设置了“转正”后小产权房上市交易路径。第七部分以单个小产权房项目为例,分析小产权房“转正”的程序、经济补偿及“转正”后意义等,阐述本研究的内在积极性。第八部分重点对实施小产权房多模式“转正”路径机制进行了详细客观评价并对各模式提出了相关实施建议。第九部分则主要提炼本文重要结论、创新及不足。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's housing market is demanding, house prices are rising, and urban land prices are rising, while the value of rural land is not worth the value of urban land value. In this context, on the one hand, the village collectives or farmers around some cities are driven by economic benefits, taking the legal risk to "new rural construction". On the other hand, the middle and low income people living in the city are unable to achieve a "living" in the face of a huge amount of housing. Thus, the small property house has matched the supply and demand with its low price and the housing purchasing ability of the middle and low income population in the city. The small property house has expanded rapidly in our country and has a great influence on the economy and society of our country. The small property right house not only affects the normal order of the real estate market of our country, but more importantly, the continued spread of small property right houses to a certain extent restricts the economic and social development of our country.
How to deal with the problem of small property right house has become one of the ten hot issues in China. It has also caused extensive discussion in all walks of life. At present, most of the people are arguing about the "turn right" small property right house. In fact, the key to solving the problem of small property right is not the "turn right" small property right house, but how to "turn the right" small. In order to provide decision making suggestions for solving the problem of small property right house, this paper assumes that the small property right room can "turn right", from the angle of how to "correct" the small property right house, and the concrete "correct" way to the small property right room. The paper makes a detailed study of the diameter. This article combs and analyzes the current situation of the small property right house and its core reasons, and combines the current situation of the reform of the two yuan land system in China, the housing supply "double track" and the related laws and regulations of the small property right house, and innovatively constructs the "correct" path of the multi mode of small property right house.
This article is composed of nine parts. The first part mainly expounds the background, significance, content and methods of this paper. It focuses on the status of domestic research on the problem of small property right house, and provides the theoretical foundation for this article. The second part is mainly the analysis of the status of the small property right house, the policy, the cause and the "correction" of the small property right house. The dispute point is combed, and the premise hypothesis of the "correction" of the small property right house is made. The third part is mainly the classification of the small property right house in two different angles of the interests subject and the nature of the land use land, and on this basis, the right standard of the small property house is set up, and the classification and confirmation are made, that is, to establish the small property right, that is to establish the small property right. The fourth part focuses on the construction of the "correction" path of the multi mode small property room. The concrete operating procedures of the "correction" of the small property room are studied with the commercial housing and the guarantee housing as the way out. The fifth part is mainly on the basis of the "correction" of the small property right house. On the other hand, the "positive" economic compensation standard of small property right house was designed to ensure the maneuverability of the "correct" path of the small property right house. The sixth part was mainly to build a "turned" small property right house trading mode, and set up the trading path of the small property right house after the "correction". Seventh parts. Taking a single small property right project as an example, this paper analyzes the procedure of "correction" of the small property right room, the economic compensation and the meaning after the "correction", and expounds the intrinsic enthusiasm of this study. The eighth part focuses on the detailed and objective evaluation of the implementation of the multi mode "correction" path mechanism of small property right house and puts forward relevant suggestions for the implementation of each model. Ninth In part, the main conclusions, innovations and shortcomings are summarized.


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