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发布时间:2018-06-04 22:06

  本文选题:住房保障 + 资格评审 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:进入二十一世纪以来,随着人民生活水平的大幅度增长,人们对于居住条件、居住环境和生活质量有了越来越高的要求。随着我国经济的持续快速发展,行业、地区、城乡之间收入逐渐拉大,伴随着一部分人先富起来,我国城乡居民收入水平的差距也在逐渐拉大。2003年以来,房地产市场价格持续上扬,全国主要大中城市房屋销售价格上涨明显。随之而来,中央政府出台了多项针对城市中低收入家庭的保障性住房政策。但在政策实施过程中,如何建立健全有效的住房保障资格评审体系是工作中遇到的亟待解决的问题。 本文首先对T市H区住房保障政策概况及实施的现状进行介绍,用相关统计数据对目前住房保障政策实施的效果进行评价,然后结合国内外住房保障的先进经验和工作成果,总结出住房保障资格评审体系规律性的可行性调整方案。最后,结合T市住房保障工作的实际,从提高住房保障工作行政职能部门工作效率,简化办事程序,,方便社区群众的角度,探讨了建立适合T市的住房保障资格评审体系,分别从制度、组织机构、技术和准入退出机制上提出五点对T市住房保障资格评审体系加以完善和改进的建议。 应用政府流程再造理论,提高各级政府部门在住房保障资格评审体系中的工作效率;通过完善住房保障资格评审体系的立法,为申请人提供一个趋于公平合理的申请环境和畅通的申请通道;不断健全住房保障资格评审体系收入核查制度,使住房保障申请的工作更加有据可查,更具有科学性和可操作性;明确各级政府职能部门的全责,使住房保障资格评审体系在审批流程上更加顺畅、公开和透明;实现住房保障工作网络动态管理,进一步为保障性住房工作提供科学的依据。
[Abstract]:Since the 21 century, with the rapid increase of people's living standard, people have higher and higher demands on living conditions, living environment and living quality. With the sustained and rapid economic development of our country, the income between industries, regions and urban and rural areas has gradually increased. With some people getting rich first, the income gap between urban and rural residents in China has gradually widened. Since 2003, Real estate market prices continued to rise, major cities nationwide housing sales prices rose significantly. Subsequently, the central government issued a number of affordable housing policies for urban low-and-middle-income families. However, in the process of policy implementation, how to establish a sound and effective housing security qualification evaluation system is an urgent problem to be solved. This paper first introduces the general situation of housing security policy and the current situation of its implementation in H District of T City, evaluates the effect of the implementation of housing security policy with relevant statistical data, and then combines the advanced experience and work results of housing security at home and abroad. Summarizes the housing security qualification evaluation system regularity feasibility adjustment scheme. Finally, according to the reality of housing security work in T City, from the angle of improving the working efficiency of the administrative functional department of housing security work, simplifying the working procedure and facilitating the community, the paper discusses the establishment of housing security qualification evaluation system suitable for T city. Five suggestions are put forward to perfect and improve the qualification evaluation system of housing security in T City from the aspects of system, organization, technology and entry and exit mechanism. Applying the theory of government process reengineering to improve the working efficiency of government departments at all levels in the housing security qualification assessment system, and improving the legislation of housing security qualification assessment system, To provide an application environment that tends to be fair and reasonable and an unimpeded application channel for applicants; and to continuously improve the income verification system of the housing security qualification assessment system, so that the work of housing security applications can be more documented. Be more scientific and operable; define the full responsibility of government functional departments at all levels; make the qualification evaluation system of housing security more smooth, open and transparent in the examination and approval process; realize the dynamic management of the housing security work network, Further for the work of affordable housing to provide a scientific basis.


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