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发布时间:2018-06-05 00:41

  本文选题:投资风险 + 风险管理 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着中国经济的迅速发展,居民对生活水平的高水平的追求,我国的房地产产业发展迅猛。但是,近几年,随着全球经济危机的蔓延,以及中国政府出台的一些政策的影响,也给中国的房地产事业造成严重的冲击。房地产企业想要在快速变化的环境中保持盈利,获得竞争优势,就必须要找到能够影响其投资的风险因素,并对这些因素进行细致的分析,找到哪些因素是根本的影响因素,哪些因素是直接的影响因素,并根据自身的实际情况,结合风险要素的特点,制定切实有效的防范策略。 本文可分为五个部分,第一部分介绍了本文的选题背景以及选题的意义,并对房地产项目投资风险相关的国内外因素进行了综述,随后,介绍了本文的研究方法和技术路线等。第二部分和第三部分介绍了HXH项目投资风险的识别,主要包括风险识别的方法,并根据这些风险识别的方法对HXH项目进行了外部和内部风险的识别;同时,对HXH项目的基本情况进行了介绍,主要包括项目的背景、项目总体规划以及商圈的介绍,以及HXH项目投资估算和融资方案。第四部门是HXH项目投资风险因素的分析。在这个部分中,通过对总经理层面、采购部层面、营销部层面和工程部层面的调研,分别分析了四个部门层面的风险因素,并综合的对HXH项目投资风险因素进行了分析。第五部分是针对这些风险因素制定的风险防范策略。 本文通过研究主要得到了:(1)营销能力风险、财务风险和社会风险成为HXH项目投资风险因素中最重要的原因因素。(2)企业管理能力的风险和项目定位等方面的风险成为HXH项目投资风险因素中最重要的结果因素。(3)企业还需要通过以下几个方面来进行风险防范:精准确定项目定位,确定以“高品位”和“高享受”为主题的定位;确定目标顾客群,将市场目标顾客群集中在对生活环境具有高质量追求的高收入白领人群以及需要改善生活环境的二次置业的顾客;突出产品价值,HXH项目可以考虑将这种生态性、宜居性作为产品的主要价值进行推介,以区别于其他的竞争对手。合适的价格策略,HXH项目应该在开盘之初选择低价销售,吸引顾客的关注,积攒人气,并由这些业主继续带动销售。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the pursuit of high standard of living, the real estate industry in China is developing rapidly. However, in recent years, with the spread of the global economic crisis and the impact of some policies introduced by the Chinese government, China's real estate industry has also had a serious impact. If real estate companies want to maintain profitability and gain competitive advantage in a rapidly changing environment, they must find out the risk factors that can affect their investment, and make a careful analysis of these factors, and find out which factors are the fundamental factors. Which factors are direct influencing factors, and according to their own actual situation, combining the characteristics of risk factors, to formulate effective preventive strategies. This paper can be divided into five parts. The first part introduces the background of the topic and the significance of the topic, and summarizes the domestic and foreign factors related to the investment risk of real estate projects. Then, it introduces the research methods and technical routes of this paper. The second and third parts introduce the identification of investment risk of HXH project, including the method of risk identification, and identify the external and internal risk of HXH project according to these risk identification methods. This paper introduces the basic situation of the HXH project, including the background of the project, the overall plan of the project and the introduction of the business district, as well as the investment estimation and financing scheme of the HXH project. The fourth part is the analysis of HXH project investment risk factors. In this part, through the general manager level, purchasing department level, marketing department level and engineering level of the investigation, respectively analyzed the risk factors in four levels, and comprehensive analysis of the HXH project investment risk factors. The fifth part is the risk prevention strategy for these risk factors. In this paper, we mainly get the risk of marketing capability. Financial risk and social risk are the most important factors in HXH project investment risk. 2) the risk of enterprise management ability and the risk of project positioning become the most important result factor of HXH project investment risk factor. Companies also need to guard against risks in a number of ways: pinpointing the project, Identify "high-grade" and "high-enjoyment" themes; identify target customer groups, Focus market target customers on high-income white-collar people with high quality of living environment and secondary home buyers who need to improve their living environment. Habitability is recommended as the main value of the product to distinguish it from other competitors. The appropriate pricing strategy HXH project should open at a low price to attract the attention of customers, accumulate popularity, and these owners continue to drive sales.


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