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发布时间:2018-06-05 13:57

  本文选题:电梯 + 市场 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来随着我国国民经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,以及政府大力推动城镇化建设的重要国家政策,城市人口数量不断增加,对住房的需求也随之大幅度增加,房地产行业在过去几年呈现出高速发展的态势。作为房地产行业中配套产品之一的电梯设备,它作为楼宇中的垂直交通工具,在新建楼宇中占有举足轻重的位置,因此电梯行业也随着房地产行业的快速发展而步入快车道。电梯作为一个重要的垂直运输设备,却是一个舶来品,在二十世纪初从欧美资本主义国家传入中国,早期占据国内绝大部分市场份额的是洋品牌,如:美国奥的斯、瑞士迅达、日本日立、三菱等。国内电梯企业由于起步较晚、生产规模小等原因而难以和洋品牌竞争。近年来随着国内企业不断进步,生产技术的不断提高,以及通过合作引进国外先进技术和管理经验,国产品牌竞争力加强了,市场份额不断增加,可在某些产品细分市场与洋品牌一争高下,但总体来说土洋品牌之间的实力差距还是比较大的。 如何才能在激烈的电梯市场竞争中获得持久的竞争优势?作为本土自主品牌企业优耐德电梯公司也在不断的探索前进,本文的研究将为优耐德电梯公司提供现实而有意义的竞争战略研究成果。 本文通过对我国电梯市场的发展过程,结合对优耐德电梯公司外部环境、内部资源、能力、核心竞争力等进行深入的分析研究,从中总结出优耐德公司的内部资源优势与市场营销与竞争的劣势,在此基础上运用波特五种力量模型、关键内外部因素矩阵分析法等理论制定出可供选择的优耐德电梯公司的竞争战略。最后根据上述研究得出的竞争战略,确定优耐德公司竞争战略实施方案及措施,为企业的经营提供正确的目标导向,为公司未来的发展提供战略方向。 通过本文的研究,为优耐德公司提供了基于理论和实际结合的市场竞争战略。而且,对于国内同类型电梯企业,面对相同的市场竞争下,这种竞争策略同样是值得借鉴的。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of China's national economy, people's living standards have been continuously improved, and the government has vigorously promoted the construction of urbanization of an important national policy, the number of urban population continues to increase, the demand for housing has also increased substantially. Real estate industry in the past few years showed a high-speed development trend. As one of the supporting products in the real estate industry, the elevator equipment, as a vertical vehicle in the building, occupies a pivotal position in the new building, so the elevator industry has also stepped into the fast lane with the rapid development of the real estate industry. Elevator as an important vertical transport equipment, but is an import, in the early 20th century from the European and American capitalist countries into China, the early occupation of most of the domestic market share is foreign brands, such as: the United States Otis, Switzerland Schindler, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, etc. Domestic elevator enterprises are difficult to compete with foreign brands because of their late start and small production scale. In recent years, with the continuous progress of domestic enterprises, the continuous improvement of production technology, and the introduction of foreign advanced technology and management experience through cooperation, the competitiveness of domestic brands has been strengthened, and the market share has been continuously increased. In some product segments of the market and a competition for foreign brands, but generally speaking, the gap between the strength of local brands is relatively large. How can we gain a lasting competitive advantage in the fierce elevator market competition? As a local independent brand company, Unide Elevator Company is also constantly exploring and advancing, the research of this paper will provide a realistic and meaningful research results of competitive strategy for Unide Elevator Company. In this paper, the development process of elevator market in China, combined with the external environment, internal resources, capabilities, core competitiveness and so on, is analyzed and studied. This paper summarizes the advantages of internal resources and the disadvantages of marketing and competition of Unide Company. On the basis of this, the author uses the five power models of Porter. The theory of matrix analysis of key internal and external factors makes the competitive strategy of Under Elevator Company. Finally, according to the competitive strategy obtained from the above research, the implementation plan and measures of the competitive strategy are determined, which provide the correct target orientation for the management of the enterprise and the strategic direction for the future development of the company. Through the research of this paper, it provides the market competition strategy based on the combination of theory and practice. Moreover, for domestic elevator enterprises of the same type, under the same market competition, this competition strategy is also worthy of reference.


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