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发布时间:2018-06-06 01:03

  本文选题:旅游房地产 + 盈利模式 ; 参考:《沈阳建筑大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国社会经济水平的不断提高,居民在生活中有于旅游开支的比重也不断提高,旅游已成为了人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。在此背景下,旅游地产由于其具有高附加值、涉及面广等特点,得到了国内外学者的密切关注,也成了房地产开发企业降级国家宏观调控政策给企业带来投资风险的有效战略措施,同时旅游地产持续健康的发展对于促进旅游业和房地产业的和谐发展有着重要意义。 基于以上背景,本论文首先在梳理国内外专家学者关于产业盈利模式、特征、包含要素等相关研究的基础上,给出了旅游地产中盈利模式的准确定义,进而根据我国旅游地产的发展的基本现状,归纳总结了我国旅游地产的基本类型和特点。 其次,本文对我国旅游地产发展的现状进行了深入剖析,在分析了盈利模式基本理论后,从旅游房地产盈利模式的影响和定位因素方面对旅游地产的盈利模式提出了自己的划分,将旅游房地产盈利模式分为了五种盈利模式,分别为销售地产项目盈利、经营旅游项目盈利、树立项目品牌盈利、升值项目价值盈利、进入资本市场盈利等。 最后,为了房地产开发企业在投资旅游地产时,能够选择利于房地产企业健康持续发展的盈利模式。本论文在分析房地产开发企业选择盈利模式影响因素的基础上,从政策环境因素、城市经济发展状况、城市软硬件情况、社会人文因素、开发商实力、旅游资源情况等方面构建了旅游地产盈利模式评价指标体系,选择了多级综合模糊评判的方法对旅游地产盈利模式进行评价。同时,本文选择了辽宁省营口市双台镇北方温泉城项目为实例,对评价方法进行验证,以保证评价方法的科学、客观。 本文创新点包括:本文在系统性研究盈利模式理论后,对旅游地房产盈利模式分了五类,现在这方面研究还比较少。在分析旅游房地产盈利模式影响因素后,构建了旅游地房产盈利模式理论模型,最后运用模型在实际项目中取得很好效果。
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of our country's social and economic level, the proportion of residents' living expenses in tourism is also increasing, and tourism has become an indispensable part of people's life. Under this background, tourism real estate has been paid close attention to by scholars at home and abroad because of its characteristics of high added value and wide coverage. It has also become an effective strategic measure for real estate development enterprises to downgrade the national macro-control policy to bring investment risks to enterprises. Meanwhile, the sustainable and healthy development of tourism real estate has important significance for promoting the harmonious development of tourism and real estate. Based on the above background, this paper first combs the domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the industrial profit model, characteristics, including elements and other related research basis, gives the exact definition of profit model in tourism real estate. According to the development of tourism real estate in China, the basic types and characteristics of tourism real estate in China are summarized. Secondly, this paper analyzes the current situation of tourism real estate development in China, after analyzing the basic theory of profit model, From the aspects of the influence and positioning factors of the profit model of tourism real estate, this paper puts forward its own division of the profit model of tourism real estate, and divides the profit model of tourism real estate into five kinds of profit models, which are the profit of selling real estate projects, respectively. Operating tourism project profit, establishing project brand profit, revaluing project value profit, entering capital market profit, etc. Finally, for the real estate development enterprises to invest in tourism real estate, they can choose the profit model which is conducive to the healthy and sustainable development of the real estate enterprises. On the basis of analyzing the influencing factors of real estate development enterprises' choice of profit model, this paper analyzes the factors of policy environment, urban economic development, urban hardware and software, social and human factors, developers' strength, and so on. This paper constructs the evaluation index system of tourism real estate profit model in terms of tourism resources and chooses the method of multi-level comprehensive fuzzy evaluation to evaluate the profit model of tourism real estate. At the same time, this paper selects the north hot spring city project of Shuangtai Town, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province as an example, and verifies the evaluation method in order to ensure the scientific and objective evaluation method. The innovation of this paper includes: after systematically studying the theory of profit model, this paper divides the profit model of tourist destination property into five categories, but there is still less research on this aspect. After analyzing the influencing factors of tourism real estate profit model, this paper constructs a theoretical model of tourism real estate profit model, and finally uses the model to achieve good results in the actual project.


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