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发布时间:2018-06-07 16:35

  本文选题:预告登记 + 比较研究 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】:完备的登记制度不仅是财产交易有序化的条件,更是物权制度赖以生存的基础。预告登记制度的创设就是为保全以不动产物权变动为内容的债权请求权将来得以实现为目的。该制度自定型于《德国民法典》后逐渐发展成为一项较为成熟的制度,并被许多国家及地区所普遍援引。2007年我国出台的《物权法》首次将预告登记作为一项物权登记制度正式确立起来,然而作为一项崭新的制度如何能在我国法制土壤上更好的开花结果,尚有许多问题有待厘清和解决。本文从理论分析角度入手界定不动产预告登记的概念及性质,对其法律价值及效力进行评析。通过与国外先进立法经验的比较考察,进一步探讨我国预告登记制度的存在的不足并对其完善提出自己的见解。全文共分六个部分: 第一部分为不动产预告登记的概念界定。预告登记是指当事人所期待的不动产物权变动因条件尚未成就而不能为终局登记前,为保全对未来取得物权的请求权或其顺位而自愿进行的暂时性登记。该制度发源于大陆法系的德国,后来为日本、瑞士等国以及我国台湾地区民法所继受,成为民法中的一项重要的物权制度。区别于本登记和异议登记,预告登记具有从属性、暂时性等特点。其分类主要有:实体预告登记与程序预告登记、狭义预告登记与广义预告登记、单方预告登记与双方预告登记。 第二部分为不动产预告登记制度的比较研究。通过分析德国、瑞士、日本以及我国台湾地区预告登记制度的现行法律规定及自身特点,归纳出各国及地区的预告登记制度在适用范围、发起途径、效力模式等方面的五点规律性启示。这些启示值得我国在立法完善过程中予以借鉴。 第三部分为不动产预告登记的法律价值。关于预告登记的法律性质,学术界争议较大。具体可归纳为:物权说、准物权说、债权说、债权物权化说、中间型权利说这五种。本文通过分析论证认定其性质仍为债权。任何一项法律制度的内涵都有特定的价值取向,它是指导该制度立法与司法的根本内容,预告登记制度也不例外。其价值体现为:秩序价值、公平价值、效率价值、自由价值、安全价值。 第四部分为不动产预告登记的效力评析。效力是预告登记的核心问题,也是各国法律规定和学者研究的重点。预告登记的效力立法模式主要包括“禁止其后的登记主义”、“禁止登记名义人再为处分主义”和“相对无效主义”三种,但各国基本采用“相对无效主义”的效力模式。预告登记的效力主要包括保全权利效力、保全顺位效力、破产保护效力和预警效力四种。 第五部分为我国预告登记制度的历史沿革。在《物权法》颁布之前,商品房预售登记备案制度和一些地方性法规对预告登记制度进行初步的探索,为我国全面完善预告登记制度奠定了基础。2007年出台的《物权法》第20条明确规定预告登记制度,使得我国关于不动产登记的规定又向前迈进了历史性一步,其内涵与价值得到学界的肯定。此后颁布实施的《房屋登记办法》弥补了《物权法》过于笼统的缺陷,使房屋预告登记制度迈上了一个新台阶。至此,我国不动产预告登记制度的框架初步搭建起来。 第六部分为预告登记制度的立法完善。作为立法上的首次尝试,预告登记制度具有很高的制度价值。但由于在各项规定上的不完备,使得其在实践中运用效果不尽人意。针对以上诸多缺憾,本文在分析探讨的基础上,结合现行的立法模式并借鉴国外先进立法经验,对预告登记制度在立法体例的选择、具体规定的完善及实践操作的落实等方面提出了自己的见解。
[Abstract]:The complete registration system is not only the condition of the orderly property transaction, but also the basis for the survival of the real right system. The creation of the notice registration system is to achieve the realization of the claim for the preservation of the right of the change of real property right. The system has gradually developed into a mature after the "German Civil Code". In many countries and regions, it was widely quoted in many countries and regions for the first time that the property law, which was introduced by our country in.2007, was formally established as a registration system of real right. However, as a new system, how can we make better results in the legal soil of our country, there are still many problems to be clarified and solved. From the angle of analysis, the concept and nature of the real estate notice registration are defined, and its legal value and effectiveness are evaluated. Through the comparison with the advanced foreign legislative experience, this paper further probes into the shortcomings of the existing registration system in China and puts forward his own opinions on its perfection. The whole article is divided into six parts:
The first part is the definition of the registration of the immovable property. The pre registration is the temporary registration of the change of the real property right of the real property expected by the parties, which has not yet been achieved for the final registration, for the purpose of obtaining the right of the future acquisition of real right or its position. Japan, Switzerland and other countries, as well as the civil law of the Taiwan region, become an important property right system in civil law. It is distinguished from the registration and dissenting registration, and the notice registration has the characteristics of from the attribute and the temporary. Its classification mainly includes the entity preview registration and the procedure notice registration, the narrow notice registration and the generalized advance notice registration, the unilateral advance notice. Registration and registration of both sides.
The second part is the comparative study of the system of the registration of the real estate. Through the analysis of the current legal provisions and its own characteristics of the pre registration system in Germany, Switzerland, Japan and the Taiwan area of China, it concludes the five regular revelations in the scope of application, the way and the model of the validity of the pre registration system in various countries and regions. It is worth our reference in the process of legislation improvement.
The third part is the legal value of the registration of the real estate. On the legal nature of the notice registration, the academic circles have a great dispute. It can be summed up in the following aspects: the theory of real right, the theory of quasi real right, the claim of right, the theory of right right in the right to claim, the five kinds of right in the middle type. There is a specific value orientation, which is the basic content to guide the legislation and the judicature of the system, and the pre registration system is no exception. Its value is the value of order, fair value, efficiency value, free value and security value.
The fourth part is the evaluation and analysis of the validity of the registration of the real estate. The validity is the core issue of the pre registration and the focus of the legal provisions of various countries and the research of the scholars. The legislative mode of the validity of the notice registration mainly includes the "Prohibition of the subsequent registering", "the prohibition of registering nominates again" and "relative inefficiency", but three kinds, The effectiveness model of "relative inefficiency" is basically adopted by all countries. The effect of preview registration mainly includes the effectiveness of preservation of rights, the effectiveness of preservation, the effectiveness of bankruptcy protection and the effectiveness of early warning four.
The fifth part is the historical evolution of the pre registration system in China. Before the enactment of the property law, the system of registration and record of the pre sale registration of commercial housing and some local laws and regulations have been carried out preliminarily, which laid a foundation for the comprehensive improvement of the pre registration system in China for the first.2007 year of the "property law > twentieth" The definition of the registration of real property in China has made a historic step forward, and its connotation and value have been affirmed by the academic circle. The implementation of the housing registration method has made up for the overly general defects of the property law and made the registration system of housing advance a new step. At this point, the system of the registration of real estate in China The framework was initially set up.
The sixth part is the legislative perfection of the pre registration system. As the first attempt in the legislation, the pre registration system has a high institutional value. However, due to the incompleteness of various regulations, it makes it unsatisfactory in practice. On the basis of the analysis of the above shortcomings, this paper combines the current legislative model with the current legislative model. And drawing on the foreign advanced legislative experience, the author puts forward his own opinions on the selection of the legislative body of the notice registration system, the perfection of the specific provisions and the implementation of the practice.


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1 李阳;;预告登记制度相关问题探讨[J];法制与社会;2013年01期

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1 石红远;论预告登记制度[D];华东政法大学;2012年




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