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发布时间:2018-06-08 17:34

  本文选题:预售商品房按揭 + 不动产抵押 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2007年硕士论文

【摘要】: 预售商品房按揭90年代初由香港传入内地,在香港和广东沿海地区又叫“楼花按揭”。随着具有中国特色的福利分房制度的瓦解,商品房按揭,特别是预售商品房按揭作为房地产交易中的新兴事物在中国内地迅速发展,目前已成为中国房地产交易中的主要方式。中国内地的预售商品房按揭虽是借鉴英美法系的按揭制度,但在运作方式上却不完全同于按揭,而更接近于不动产抵押,在名称上也以贷款担保来称呼。这就造成了预售商品房按揭实践中没有立法支持,法律适用混乱的局面。既影响了中国金融业和房地产业的全面健康发展,又导致了购房者权利受到损害的情况屡屡出现。基于此,本文从相关概念的阐述和澄清出发,从按揭概念本身的起源及其制度发展的比较出发,来认识我国内地实行的预售商品房按揭。并在此基础上,针对预售商品房按揭实践中出现的问题和解决作了更接近实务的反思,并对预售商品房按揭的完善和发展提出设想。
[Abstract]:Pre-sale commercial housing mortgage from Hong Kong to the mainland in the early 1990s, in Hong Kong and the coastal areas of Guangdong also known as "mortgage flats." With the disintegration of welfare housing allocation system with Chinese characteristics, commercial housing mortgage, especially pre-sale mortgage, as a new thing in real estate transaction, has developed rapidly in the mainland of China, and has become the main way of real estate transaction in China. Although the pre-sale commercial housing mortgage in mainland China is based on the mortgage system of Anglo-American legal system, it is not exactly the same as mortgage, but is more similar to real estate mortgage, and is also referred to as loan guarantee in the name. This resulted in the pre-sale of commercial housing mortgage practice without legislative support, the application of the law chaos. It not only affects the healthy development of Chinese finance and real estate industry, but also leads to the damage of property buyers' rights. Based on this, this paper starts from the elaboration and clarification of relevant concepts, from the origin of the concept of mortgage and the comparison of the development of the system, to understand the pre-sale commercial housing mortgage in the mainland of China. On this basis, the problems and solutions in the practice of pre-sale commercial housing mortgage are reviewed, and the improvement and development of pre-sale commercial housing mortgage are put forward.


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1 滕洁玉;商品房按揭法律问题研究[D];烟台大学;2010年




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