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发布时间:2018-06-10 15:06

  本文选题:分时度假 + 用益物权 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:分时度假起源于上世纪60年代的欧洲,在之后的几十年里逐渐成为全球范围内的休闲度假方式。90年代初,分时度假进入中国市场,首先登陆在海南、福建等地。然而,分时度假在中国却饱受质疑,甚至在央视315晚会上遭到点名批评,远没有达到推动房地产行业和旅游行业的初衷。 总体来看,分时度假之所以在中国水土不服,原因主要有四:一是20世纪末的国内市场并没有达到足够成熟度;二是缺少相应的行业规范规制从业人员和相关公司;三是相关产品设计和理论研究没有跟上位;四是缺少明确的法律法规导致整个流程缺少相关法律依据。分时度假产品本身没有问题,只要立法机关根据国情,借鉴国外先进经验,制定出合适的法律法规,,相信分时度假在中国会有广阔的市场前景。 本文罗列并分析了国内外对于分时度假的定义,结合其在中国的现状,在借鉴国外先进立法的基础上,对分时度假权利的法律性质进行了分析,并对我国分时度假立法提出了一些建议。除去引言及结语,本文共分为四章,约两万四千字。 第一章是对于分时度假概述并大致介绍、分析了分时度假在中国的现状。首先从分时度假的定义出发,结合国内外的观点,对于分时度假这一产品有了一个初步的阐述,随后对于分时度假在中国的状况进行了分析,结合出现的矛盾说明本文的写作目的。 第二章中比较了欧盟、英国、美国等西方先进国家对于分时度假的立法。介绍各国立法之后再总结并分析各自的优劣,以期达到对我国分时度假立法借鉴作用。 第三章为分时度假对传统物权理论的挑战与发展。作者结合物权三大原则和所有权的三个特征,逐一分析分时度假对于它们的挑战与发展,阐明分时度假作为一种新的产品对传统物权理论是挑战更是发展,强调在以后的立法过程中将分时度假纳入物权体系的重要性。 第四章对分时度假权利的法律性质进行了探讨。本章中,首先将学界的一些主流观点进行了阐述和分析,然后结合案例分析分时度假权利的主体、客体和内容等等对于分时度假权利的法律性质进行分析,得出结论认为社会实践中分时度假大多是债权模式,但物权模式下的用益物权模式对于分时度假更为合适的结论。最后结合国外立法对我国分时度假立法提出一些建议。
[Abstract]:Timeshare originated in Europe in the 1960s. In the following decades, it gradually became a global leisure vacation in the early 1990s, time-sharing vacation entered the Chinese market, first landed in Hainan, Fujian and other places. However, timeshare has been questioned in China, and even criticized at the CCTV 315 party, far from the original purpose of promoting the real estate industry and the tourism industry. Overall, timesharing is not acceptable in China. The main reasons are as follows: first, the domestic market did not reach enough maturity at the end of the 20th century; second, the lack of relevant industry regulation staff and related companies; third, the related product design and theoretical research did not keep up with the position; Fourth, the lack of clear laws and regulations lead to the lack of relevant legal basis for the whole process. There is no problem with timesharing products per se, so long as the legislature draws up appropriate laws and regulations according to the national conditions and foreign advanced experience. It is believed that timeshare will have a broad market prospect in China. This paper lists and analyzes the definition of timeshare at home and abroad, combined with its current situation in China, on the basis of drawing lessons from foreign advanced legislation. This paper analyzes the legal nature of the right of timeshare and puts forward some suggestions on the legislation of timeshare in our country. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four chapters, about 24000 words. The first chapter is an overview of timeshare and a general introduction, and analyzes the current situation of timeshare in China. Starting from the definition of timeshare and combining the domestic and foreign viewpoints, this paper gives a preliminary exposition on the product of timeshare, and then analyzes the situation of timeshare in China. The second chapter compares the legislation of the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and other advanced western countries on timesharing. After introducing the legislation of various countries, the author summarizes and analyzes their merits and demerits in order to provide reference for the legislation of timeshare in our country. Chapter three is about the challenge and development of timeshare to the traditional theory of real right. Combining the three principles of real right and the three characteristics of ownership, the author analyzes the challenge and development of timeshare to them one by one, and expounds that timeshare, as a new product, is a challenge to the traditional theory of real right. The author emphasizes the importance of bringing timeshare into the real right system in the later legislative process. Chapter four discusses the legal nature of timeshare right. In this chapter, the author first expounds and analyzes some mainstream viewpoints of academic circles, and then analyzes the legal nature of timeshare right by case study, such as subject, object and content, etc. The conclusion is that timesharing is mostly a creditor's right mode in social practice, but the usufruct mode is more suitable for timesharing in real right mode. Finally, combined with foreign legislation, the author puts forward some suggestions on the legislation of timeshare in our country.


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1 汪传才;论英国的分时度假立法[J];河北法学;2005年07期

2 薛源;;欧盟对分时度假及相关产品的法律规制[J];河北法学;2008年09期

3 向东;;分时度假交易安排下买受人权利之法律性质研究[J];私法研究;2012年01期




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