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发布时间:2018-06-10 18:35

  本文选题:基础性制度 + 征文主题 ; 参考:《上海金融》2017年02期

[Abstract]:In order to promote the theoretical and practical summary of several important frontier issues in the field of real estate finance research, The Shanghai Financial magazine, in charge of the Shanghai headquarters of the people's Bank of China, decided to launch the "Real Estate basic system and Long-term Mechanism Construction under the Financial Vision". The essay has first prize 1, second prize 3, third prize 10. In addition to giving a certain award, the award-winning paper will also be given priority to be employed in Shanghai Finance, and will have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the academic activities of the Shanghai headquarters of the Central Bank, and the non-award-winning papers will also have the chance to be selected for meritorious employment. The subject of this essay is "the financial field of view of the real estate system and long-term mechanism construction." In recent years, real estate has been the focus of economic and social life, and real estate is the most leveraged industry outside the financial system, with a strong financial attributes, deepening the understanding of the logical relationship between real estate and finance. Contribute to the formation of a harmonious real estate and financial development
【作者单位】: 《上海金融》编辑部;


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