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发布时间:2018-06-13 05:06

  本文选题:房地产 + BD建设集团 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着全球经济的平稳运行,作为我国支柱产业之一的房地产业呈现出较快的发展趋势。但是在发展之余,房地产业也面临着诸多挑战:宏观调控政策日益严格、消费者需求特点不断变化、竞争环境愈加激烈。在这样新的环境下,如何通过制定行之有效的营销策略,培育企业竞争优势,使企业在竞争中立于不败之地,将是每一个房地产企业亟待解决的问题。为此本文选取了BD建设集团WNS项目作为研究对象,对该项目的营销策略进行了系统的阐述和详细的分析。 首先,在回顾相关营销理论的基础上,重点分析了项目的营销现状。对BD建设集团及内外部营销环境做了介绍。继而从基本指标、产品、价格、客户及营销手段等方面对竞争对手进行分析,总结其竞争性项目的成功及不足之处。之后运用SWOT分析方法,分析了WNS项目的内部优劣势和外部的机会威胁,最终确定了项目发展战略。 其次,运用目标市场营销理论,对WNS项目进行市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位。并根据“湾区生活领袖”的高端定位,从产品、价格、分销、促销(4P)等方面制定出具体的营销组合策略。 最后,,针对WNS项目的实际情况,从企业内部的人力资源、财力资源和企业外部关系等方面论述如何制定WNS项目的营销保障措施。
[Abstract]:With the smooth operation of the global economy, the real estate industry, as one of the pillar industries of our country, is developing rapidly. However, with the development of real estate industry, the real estate industry is facing many challenges: the macro-control policy is becoming more and more strict, the characteristics of consumer demand are constantly changing, and the competition environment is becoming more and more fierce. In such a new environment, how to develop effective marketing strategies, cultivate the competitive advantage of enterprises, and make enterprises in an invincible position in the competition will be a problem to be solved urgently in every real estate enterprise. In this paper, BD Construction Group WNS project is selected as the research object, and the marketing strategy of the project is systematically described and analyzed in detail. Firstly, on the basis of reviewing the relevant marketing theories, this paper analyzes the current marketing situation of the project. BD construction group and internal and external marketing environment were introduced. Then it analyzes the competitors from the aspects of basic index, product, price, customer and marketing means, and summarizes the success and deficiency of their competitive project. Then SWOT analysis method is used to analyze the internal advantages and disadvantages of WNS project and the external opportunity threat. Finally, the project development strategy is determined. Secondly, market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning of WNS project are carried out by using target marketing theory. According to the high-end positioning of "life leader in Bay area", the specific marketing combination strategy is worked out from product, price, distribution, promotion and so on. Finally, according to the actual situation of WNS project, this paper discusses how to formulate the marketing guarantee measures of WNS project from the aspects of internal human resources, financial resources and external relations of enterprises.


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