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发布时间:2018-06-15 06:20

  本文选题:商品房 + 质量 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,我国房地产行业发展势头突飞猛进,,但伴随的是商品房质量问题频频发生,投诉不断,尤其是上海“楼脆脆”事件给人们敲响了警钟。商品房是人们日常居住,生活和活动的重要场所,其质量问题关系到人们的财产,甚至是生命健康的安全,对社会的和谐发展也有一定的影响。因此,商品房质量问题的研究迫在眉睫。 商品房质量问题产生的原因不是单方面的,房屋建设涉及地质勘察环节、施工图文设计环节、建筑施工环节、竣工验收环节等多个环节,任何一个环节的疏漏和不规范操作,都可能导致其最终产品房屋质量问题,出现豆腐渣工程,影响人们生命财产的安全,造成社会财富的浪费。如地质勘察数据不准确,房地产商和设计单位串通降低设计标准,施工单位偷工减料,不严格按规范进行竣工验收及备案,建设主管部门疏于监督等,都有可能直接或间接地导致工程出现质量问题。上述问题的出现固然与相关主体的诚信缺失、道德沦丧有一定联系,但根本原因在于相关立法和制度上存在缺陷,缺乏对相关主体行为的有效制约、规范。 所以,为了人们财产和人身的安全,以及社会和谐稳定的发展,确保商品房质量,进一步研究关于我国商品房质量法律规制具有重要的现实意义,有必要从多方面分析我国商品房质量问题存在的原因,探寻商品房建设过程中各个环节出现的问题,从立法和制度上规范建设参与主体的行为,同时完善商品房买卖合同,加强社会监督,保障商品房质量。 本文论述分以下四部分,主要内容如下: 第一部分商品房质量问题概述。主要是从商品房质量问题相关概念的界定出发,介绍商品房、商品房质量的含义,对商品房质量问题的提出做简要的概述,并阐述了我国商品房在开发建设过程中各个环节存在的质量问题,以及研究商品房质量问题的必要性。 第二部分我国商品房质量问题现状及原因分析。我国商品房质量问题的现状令人担忧,主要从商品房质量问题的分类,阐述商品房质量的现状,并且针对商品房在开发建设过程中各个环节存在的质量问题,有针对性的分析原因。开发商偷工减料,谎报工程建设资质等等都会导致商品房质量问题的出现。当然最重要的还是法律层面的原因,法律意识淡薄、立法层次低和制度缺陷等等,缺乏一部统一有效地商品房质量法规和一系列的制度保障商品房质量。 第三部分我国商品房质量保障制度存在的缺陷。我国商品房质量出现问题的重要原因还是相关法律规定存有缺陷,制度不完善。相关法律法规不能够有效地发挥作用,执法不严,违法不究,缺乏公正性等等,不能从法律上真正的保障商品房的质量;有关商品房的制度保障也不健全,招标投标制度和资质审查制度不健全等,缺少了制度的保障,商品房质量问题就得不到改善。 第四部分我国商品房质量保障法律规制的对策。对建立和完善我国商品房质量法律制度提出建议。完善立法,建立健全相关商品房质量法律法规,完善商品房买卖法律规制,强化商品房建设各个环节的制度保障,加强商品房质量保险制度和商品房买卖合同等。保障商品房质量安全,维护购房人的合法权益。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the development of China's real estate industry has been developing rapidly, but with the frequent occurrence of the quality of commercial housing and the continuous complaint, especially the incident of "crisp and crisp" in Shanghai, the commercial housing is an important place for people to live and live and activities. The quality problems are related to people's property and even life health. The safety of Kang also has a certain impact on the harmonious development of the society. Therefore, the study of the quality of commercial housing is imminent.
The reasons for the quality of the commodity house are not unilateral. The building construction involves the geological survey, the design link of the construction, the construction link, the completion acceptance link and so on. The omission and the non standard operation of any one link may lead to the quality of the final product housing. The project of bean curd slag may affect the people. The safety of life and property causes the waste of social wealth. For example, the geological survey data is inaccurate, the real estate agent and the design unit colluding with the design standards, the construction units to steal the material, not strictly according to the standard to carry on the completion acceptance and record, the construction department's negligent supervision and so on, all may directly or indirectly lead to the project quality problems. The emergence of the above problems has a certain connection with the lack of integrity and moral degradation of the related subjects, but the fundamental reason lies in the defects in the relevant legislation and system, the lack of effective restrictions on the related subject behavior, and the standardization.
Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of people's property and personal safety, as well as the harmonious and stable development of the society, to ensure the quality of the commercial housing, it is of great practical significance to further study the legal regulation of the quality of the commercial housing in China. It is necessary to analyze the reasons for the quality of the commercial housing in our country from many aspects and explore the various links in the process of building the commodity house. The current problem is to standardize the construction of the participant's behavior from legislation and system, at the same time, improve the commercial housing sales contract, strengthen social supervision, and guarantee the quality of commercial housing.
This article is divided into four parts. The main contents are as follows:
The first part is an overview of the quality of the commodity house, mainly from the definition of the concept of the quality of the commodity house, the meaning of the commodity house, the quality of the commodity house, the brief overview of the quality of the commercial housing, and the quality problems in the development and construction of the commercial housing in China, as well as the research of the commodity. The necessity of the quality of the house.
The second part of China's commodity housing quality problems and causes analysis. The current situation of the quality of the quality of commercial housing in China is worrying, mainly from the classification of the quality of commercial housing, the present situation of the quality of commercial housing, and the quality problems existing in each link in the process of development and construction of commodity houses, and the specific reasons for the analysis. It is of course the most important reason for the legal level, the weak legal consciousness, the low level of legislation and the defects of the system and so on, and the lack of a unified and effective regulations on the quality of commercial housing and a series of systems to guarantee the quality of the commercial housing.
The third part of China's commodity housing quality guarantee system is defective. The important reasons for the problem of the quality of the commodity house in our country or the relevant legal provisions are defective and the system is not perfect. The relevant laws and regulations can not play an effective role, the law enforcement is not strict, the law is unlawful, the public integrity is lack, and the real guarantee of the commodity can not be obtained from the law. The quality of the house; the institutional guarantee of the commercial housing is not perfect, the system of tender and bid and the qualification examination system are not perfect, and the system is lacking. The quality of the commercial housing is not improved.
The fourth part is the Countermeasures of the legal regulation of the quality guarantee of the commodity house in our country. It puts forward some suggestions on establishing and perfecting the legal system of the quality of the commodity house in our country, perfecting the legislation, establishing and perfecting the relevant laws and regulations of the related commercial housing quality, perfecting the legal regulation of the commercial housing sale, strengthening the system guarantee of the various sections of the commercial housing construction, and strengthening the quality insurance system of the commercial housing. And commercial housing sales contracts, etc., to ensure the quality and safety of commercial housing and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of buyers.


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