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发布时间:2018-06-17 12:44

  本文选题:房地产投资 + 行业竞争 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济体制的逐步转轨和国家一系列经济政策的出台,房地产投资呈现为经济风险降低、技术风险、政策风险增加、房地产投资风险地域性差异减小、投资风险信号日趋丰富的趋势。消费者需求的变化使得房地产市场化不断深入,房地产开发将面临多元化的消费群体。它要求房地产开发企业具有雄厚技术实力和及时掌握先进行业科技,同时又能准确判断不同层次对房地产市场的需求,以能够及时满足更加苛刻和消费者需求变化。从市场需求来看,一方面,由于社会的发展、人口的不断增长,房地产的需求日益扩大。而建筑成本的提高,房地产的价格总的趋势是不断上涨导致消费者对房产上涨预期的恐慌,房产成为了生活改善的消费的优先选择。另一方面,由于经济的发展使人们收入增加,实际购买能力提高,而土地具有不可毁灭性、资源不可再生性、房产的耐久性、经济效益的可靠性和房产具有长期的使用价值等特点,从而使房地产有着保值和增值功能。所以虽然房地产投资开发趋势的黄金时代已经过去,但白银时代仍然存在。需要注意的是房地产的投资规模大,开发建设周期长、建设投资周转慢,周转率低,这是从事房地产投资时必须充分考虑到的因素。该商业计划书通过对乐从即房地产项目的所在地的房地产相关形势环境分析、目标市场、竞争力和营销策略分析以及财务评价等,,形成具体的房产开发方案,以体现该项目投资方案的良好收益,规避风险,为公司集团内部运作决策提供依据。 本商业计划书首先通过对乐从项目和M公司的描述,充分证明M公司具有项目开发的实力;其次本文采用波特五力模型分析法的综合应用,使企业能够更好地了解所在的地区竞争环境,通过对比分析帮助公司发现和利用自身的竞争优势,提高盈利水平;同时,在项目市场营销分析中,始终贯穿大型品牌营销理念,特别引入绿色地产的理念,希望通过对目标市场和目标客户的详尽分析和精准定位,在规划条件下准确的设计迎合客户需求的产品;同时结合市场进行有效的推盘节奏;最后通过对项目的开发成本费用和销售收入的测算,制定资金的筹措计划,并在此基础上进行项目的盈利能力分析、盈亏平衡分析、敏感性分析和风险分析,论证得出整个项目的经济评价可靠,规避各类风险的能力也较强的结论。
[Abstract]:With the gradual transition of China's economic system and the promulgation of a series of national economic policies, the real estate investment presents as economic risk reduction, technical risk, policy risk increase, and the regional difference of real estate investment risk decreases. The trend that investment risk signals are becoming more and more abundant. The change of consumer demand makes the real estate market go deeper and deeper, and the real estate development will face diversified consumer groups. It requires the real estate development enterprises to have strong technical strength and grasp the advanced industry science and technology in time, at the same time, it can accurately judge the demand of the real estate market at different levels, so as to meet the harsher demands and the changes of consumers' demands in time. From the market demand, on the one hand, due to the development of society, population growth, real estate demand is expanding. With the rise of construction cost, the general trend of real estate price is that the rising price of real estate leads to the panic of consumers' expectation of rising real estate, and the property becomes the priority choice of life improvement consumption. On the other hand, as a result of the economic development, people's income increases, the real purchase ability increases, and the land is not destructive, the resources are not renewable, the housing durability, The reliability of economic benefits and the long-term use value of real estate make real estate have the function of maintaining and increasing value. So while the golden age of real estate investment and development is over, the silver era still exists. It is necessary to pay attention to the large scale of real estate investment, the long period of development and construction, the slow turnover of construction investment and the low turnover rate, which is the factor that must be fully taken into account when engaging in real estate investment. The business plan forms a specific real estate development plan through the analysis of the environment related to the real estate situation, the target market, the competitiveness and the marketing strategy, as well as the financial evaluation of Lecong, the location of the real estate project, and so on. In order to reflect the good profit of the project investment plan, avoid risk, and provide the basis for the internal operation decision of the company group. This business plan firstly proves that M company has the strength of project development through the description of Lesong project and M company; secondly, this paper adopts the comprehensive application of Porter's five-force model analysis method. To enable enterprises to better understand the regional competitive environment, through comparative analysis to help companies find and utilize their own competitive advantages, improve the level of profitability; at the same time, in the project marketing analysis, always run through the concept of large-scale brand marketing, In particular, the concept of green real estate is introduced in the hope that through the detailed analysis and accurate positioning of the target market and target customers, the products that meet the needs of the customers can be designed accurately under the planning conditions, and at the same time, the effective push rhythm can be carried out in combination with the market. Finally, through the calculation of the development cost and sales income of the project, the financing plan is formulated, and on this basis, the profitability analysis, break-even analysis, sensitivity analysis and risk analysis of the project are carried out. The conclusion is that the economic evaluation of the whole project is reliable and the ability of avoiding all kinds of risks is strong.


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