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发布时间:2018-06-18 23:17

  本文选题:房地产 + 住宅项目 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着近十年来中国房地产行业的迅猛发展,在房价上涨过快的压力下,国家屡次出台政策予以调控,各地楼市影响较大。同时,湘潭市房价洼地引来了湖南省内及国内房地产开发企业的关注与进驻,万达、碧桂园等国内一流房地产开发企业陆续进入湘潭。湘银纳帕溪谷项目将面临市场与调控政策的双重压力。体验营销在近五年以来广泛地应用于一二线城市的房地产营销并取得了丰硕的成果,在湘潭市场与湘银纳帕溪谷项目,体验营销还有着非常大的发挥空间。 本文以湘银纳帕溪谷项目作为研究对象,从体验营销的理论与模型入手,首先将项目主体外部的政策经济与竞争环境、消费者进行全面分析,内部采取ASEB等方法对纳帕溪谷的营销环境进行详细全面的研究;其次结合营销环境分析的结论确定纳帕溪谷体验营销策略设计的目标、原则,,对产品、服务、情境、事件等主要内容进行设计;最后提出纳帕溪谷体验营销策略实施的操作步骤与实施模式。 在纳帕溪谷体验策略与体验内容的支撑下,提出了纳帕溪谷体验营销策略要按照“分析识别客户体验主题、了解识别最有价值客户、建立营销体验平台、设计营销体验、建立与顾客体验接触点、对体验方式测量与改进”的操作步骤,通过设计与执行营销体验图来完成整个体验过程、实现对体验过程的管理,并强调了在人力资源、组织机构、创新能力三方面实施保障对于体验策略执行过程中的重要性。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's real estate industry in the past decade, under the pressure of the rapid rise of house prices, the state has repeatedly issued policies to regulate and control the property market. At the same time, Xiangtan City house price depression attracted the attention of Hunan and domestic real estate development enterprises, Wanda, country Garden and other domestic first-class real estate development enterprises into Xiangtan one after another. Hunan Bank Napa Valley project will face the double pressure of market and regulation policy. Experience marketing has been widely used in the real estate marketing of the first and second tier cities in recent five years and has achieved fruitful results. In Xiangtan market and Xiangyin Napa Valley project, experience marketing still has a very big space to play. Based on the theory and model of experiential marketing, this paper analyzes the external policy economy and competition environment of the main body of the project and the consumers' comprehensive analysis, taking the Napa Valley project as the research object, and starting with the theory and model of experiential marketing. The author adopts ASEB method to study the marketing environment of Napa Valley in detail and comprehensively. Secondly, combined with the conclusion of marketing environment analysis, it determines the goal, principle, product, service and situation of Napa Valley experience marketing strategy design. Finally, the operating steps and modes of implementing Napa Valley experience marketing strategy are put forward. Under the support of Napa Valley experience strategy and experience content, this paper puts forward that Napa Valley experience marketing strategy should be based on "analyzing and identifying the theme of customer experience, understanding the identification of the most valuable customer, establishing the marketing experience platform and designing the marketing experience." Establish contact point with the customer experience, measure and improve the experience way "operation step, through design and execute the marketing experience chart to complete the whole experience process, realize the management of the experience process, and emphasize on the human resources, organization, etc. The importance of implementing the three aspects of innovation ability in the process of implementing the experience strategy.


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