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发布时间:2018-06-20 01:24

  本文选题:基础教育 + 培训 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近十多年来,基础教育培训机构(即中小学课外辅导机构)在各大城市雨后春笋般崛起。究其原因,从主观上说是因为基础教育培训的介入门槛低、风险小、营利快,被业内人士形象地誉为“在房地产的泡沫之后,餐桌上最后一块牛排”,投资者们对此趋之若鹜。从客观上说,一是由于我国考试制度的盛行和强化,尤其是“一考定终身”的竞争法则让家长和学生都不敢把中高考等闲视之;二是国家对基础教育的重视,如《民办教育促进法》在政策上的推动。“百年大计,教育为本”,越来越多的人体会到教育对个人、家庭乃至整个民族的改变;三是中国父母“望子成龙,望女成凤”的期待心理“作祟”。当然,中国人骨子里的“万般皆下品,惟有读书高”的儒家传统也起到推波助澜的作用;家庭经济收入的增长更为课外培训提供了物质基础等。上述原因,导致了基础教育培训的“供需两旺”,并有燎原之势——一些教育机构已经将触须从大中型城市延伸至县城甚至是富裕的农村。语文,作为基础教育和选拔考试中的主科,是教育机构继英语、奥数培训之后新的增长点。 作为民办教育的分支,基础教育培训的风生水起,也展示着民办教育美好的前景。但基础教育培训有没有真正担负起中小学生校外教育的责任?教育机构投资者是纯粹受利益所驱使,还是真的想为社会提供多元化、优质化的教育?语文教育培训有哪些特点?语文教育培训存在哪些乱象?语文教育培训的风靡是否意味着学校语文教育有很多令人失望的败笔?语文教育何去何从?笔者希望通过两年左右的教育培训经验,以及相关的问卷调查和人物访谈、文献阅读与分析,能对以上问题交出满意的答案。 本文从教育培训兴起的背景、语文培训的基本内容入手,并从大量的调查和案例当中提炼出语文基础教育培训的特点,一是教学个性化,二是运作灵活性,三是本质上的应试性。接着以语文基础教育培训为触发点,结合校内外的语文教育的现状,分析整个语文教育面临的问题,如语文的边缘化、工具性的砝码过重、忽视课外阅读、师德师风蜕变等。最后,提出相应的对策,如师资建设是根本、树立大语文观、重视学生自主阅读等。
[Abstract]:In recent ten years, basic education training institutions (that is, primary and secondary school extracurricular tutoring institutions) have sprung up in major cities. The reason, subjectively speaking, is that the basic education training has low threshold of intervention, small risk, quick profit, and has been praised as "the last steak on the table after the bubble of real estate", which investors are flocking to. Objectively speaking, first, because of the prevalence and strengthening of the examination system in our country, especially because of the competitive principle of "one test for life", parents and students are afraid to take the entrance examination of the middle school into account; second, the state attaches importance to basic education. For example, the Law on the Promotion of Private Education promotes the policy. More and more people will change education to individuals, families and even the whole nation. Third, Chinese parents' expectation of "looking forward to becoming a son and looking for a woman to become a Phoenix" is "haunting." Of course, the Confucian tradition of "all things are inferior" in the Chinese mind, only the Confucian tradition of studying high also contributes to the flames; the growth of family economic income provides a material basis for extracurricular training, and so on. This has led to a boom in the supply and demand of basic education and training, with some educational institutions extending their tentacles from large and medium-sized cities to county towns and even wealthy rural areas. Chinese, as the main subject in basic education and selection examination, is a new growth point after English and Mathematical Olympiad training. As a branch of private education, the wind and water of basic education training also shows the bright future of private education. But has basic education really taken on the responsibility of out-of-school education for primary and secondary school students? Are investors in educational institutions purely motivated by interests or do they really want to provide diversified and quality education to the community? What are the characteristics of Chinese education and training? What is the disorder in Chinese education and training? Does the popularity of Chinese education and training mean that there are many disappointing failures in Chinese education in schools? What to do with Chinese Education? The author hopes to give a satisfactory answer to the above questions through two years of experience in education and training, as well as related questionnaires and interviews, literature reading and analysis. From the background of the rise of education and training, the basic content of Chinese training, and from a large number of investigations and cases to extract the characteristics of Chinese basic education training, one is the individuation of teaching, the other is the flexibility of operation. Third, the nature of examination-oriented. Then take the Chinese basic education training as the trigger point, unifies the school inside and outside the Chinese education present situation, analyzes the entire Chinese education to face the question, such as the Chinese marginalization, the tool weight is overweight, neglects the extracurricular reading, the teacher morals and teachers style metamorphosis and so on. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward, such as the construction of teachers is fundamental, setting up the view of big language and attaching importance to students' independent reading.


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1 本报记者 金姝;[N];吉林日报;2004年

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2 张社梅;中国培训市场研究[D];西北农林科技大学;2004年

3 何潭潭;中国教育培训市场现状分析与发展对策研究[D];大连理工大学;2010年




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