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发布时间:2018-06-20 22:09

  本文选题:别墅项目 + 营销方案 ; 参考:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的高速发展与国民生活水平的提高,住宅市场持续购销两旺,住宅及相关产业的高速发展成为推动我国房地产市场发展的原动力。其中,别墅作为高档的住宅物业,由于是阶梯型置业的最顶端,是身份和地位的象征,越来越受到金字塔上层人士的青睐,其开发也遍及全国各级城镇。 别墅是一种高端的住宅讲求环境清静优美,,独门独院,带有私家车库,院落等设施。虽然在2003年年初国土资源部发布的《加强土地供应调控的紧急通知》中,说要停止别墅类用地的土地供应,但实际上是要限制占地面积很大的独栋豪华别墅的开发。但由于市场需求旺盛,而且国家相关部门也没有对别墅的概念进行明确定义,所以在实际操作中,只要项目的容积率在规划部门的用地规定之内,则大面积的双拼别墅和占地面积小的独栋别墅依然可以普遍存在,并且在楼盘广告中依然称为大众所熟悉的“别墅”,只是在土地性质上称为“低密度住宅用地”或“花园洋房用地”等比较不敏感的名词。我们认为,不占用城市中心的黄金地块作为别墅用地,在离城市半小时以上车程的郊区开发别墅对于拉动城市周边地区的发展以及满足高端人群的需要等方面都有十分积极的意义。 本文将项目营销的理论应用于别墅项目的营销,首先介绍了别墅项目的基本概念与别墅项目营销的理论,然后介绍了济宁“泽海花园”别墅项目的开发背景及营销方案的制定,然后提出了“泽海花园”别墅项目营销实施的策略以及营销实施的保障措施。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy and the improvement of the national living standard, the housing market continues to buy and sell well, and the rapid development of the housing and related industries becomes the motive force to promote the development of the real estate market in our country. Among them, villa as a high-grade residential property, because it is the top of the ladder type home, is the status and status symbol, more and more favored by the upper pyramid people, its development is also throughout the country at all levels of towns. Villa is a high-end residential environment quiet and beautiful, with a private car library, courtyard and other facilities. Although the Ministry of Land and Resources issued an Emergency notice on strengthening the Regulation of Land supply at the beginning of 2003, it said that the land supply of villas should be stopped, but in fact, the development of single-family luxury villas with a large area should be restricted. However, because of the strong market demand and the lack of a clear definition of the concept of villas by the relevant state departments, in practice, as long as the volume ratio of the project is within the planning department's land use regulations, Then large areas of double villas and small single-family villas can still exist, and in the real estate ads are still known as "villas" known to the public. Only in the nature of land known as "low-density residential land" or "garden house land" and other less sensitive terms. In our opinion, we do not occupy the gold land in the center of the city as a land for villas, The development of villas in the suburbs more than half an hour from the city is of great significance in stimulating the development of the surrounding areas of the city and meeting the needs of the high-end population. This paper applies the theory of project marketing to the marketing of villa project, first introduces the basic concept of villa project and the theory of villa project marketing, then introduces the background of the development of the villa project in Jining, and the formulation of marketing scheme. Then it puts forward the marketing implementation strategy and the safeguard measures of the villa project of Zehai Garden.


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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前3条

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