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发布时间:2018-06-21 12:01

  本文选题:房地产投资信托基金(REITs) + 物业估值 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产评估行业多数服务于拆迁、抵押、司法、并购等领域,但是随着房地产证券化的快速发展,如何依据市场需求发展评估业、拓宽评估范围便成为了未来房地产评估业的发展讨论的核心。房地产证券化是房地产和金融产品的结合,在金融产品不断创新发展的大环境下,REITs(Real Estate Investment Trust,简称REITs)成为了房地产的重要融资发展方向。传统的商业地产开发前期开发投入大,投资回收期长,财务风险较高,难以灵活运用资金提高运营管理水平,因此,发行REITs已经成为企业规模扩张、回笼资金、有效运营的重要渠道。本文从理论和案例的角度出发进行探讨,理论部分对REITs进行了介绍,梳理了物业估值相关知识,明确了物业价值评估目的、价值形成机理和评估方法,针对新规提出物业估价的注意事项,并且针对物业估值存在的问题提出改进意见,文章指出REITs物业估值有助于真实反应并提升控股集团的实际价值,将资产价值真实的反映在股价水平中,投资者依据物业价值可以判断该REITs产品的投资和权益价值,最后通过汇贤REIT物业价值评估案例直观展现物业价值评估的思路和评估目的。
[Abstract]:Most of the real estate appraisal industry serves in the fields of demolition, mortgage, justice, mergers and acquisitions, but with the rapid development of real estate securitization, how to develop the evaluation industry according to the market demand, Widening the scope of evaluation will become the core of the development of the real estate evaluation industry in the future. Real estate securitization is the combination of real estate and financial products. Under the environment of continuous innovation and development of financial products, REITs Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) has become an important development direction of real estate financing. Traditional commercial real estate development investment in the early stage of development, investment payback period is long, financial risk is high, it is difficult to flexibly use funds to improve the level of operation management, therefore, the issue of REITs has become an expansion of the scale of enterprises, return funds, An important channel for effective operation. This paper discusses REITs from the point of view of theory and case, introduces REITs, combs relevant knowledge of property valuation, clarifies the purpose, formation mechanism and methods of property valuation. This paper points out that the REITs property valuation can help to reflect the real value and increase the real value of the holding group. According to the property value, investors can judge the investment and equity value of the REITs product. Finally, through the Hui Xian REIT property value evaluation case, the idea and purpose of property value evaluation can be demonstrated directly.


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