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发布时间:2018-06-22 18:44

  本文选题:社区 + 社区商业街 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在房地产飞速发展的今天,社区商业街作为地产开发的一项重要内容,备受房地产商青睐。与此同时,仍有许多开发商看好,却不受社区居民欢迎的社区商业街,与开发初衷背道而驰。 笔者在阅读了人性化设计理论及其相关运用之后,顿生感悟,能否把“人性化思想”引入社区商业街设计?社区居民的人性需求是什么?一个理想的社区商业街要具备哪些人性化要素?带着疑惑,笔者开始了本文的研究。 文章提出四个基本问题:一、当前社区商业街中存在什么问题?二、建筑学意义上的人性化设计理论内涵是什么?它对于社区商业街有何意义?三、一个理想的社区商业街应该具备哪些人性化要素?四、实现人性化社区商业街的设计要点是什么? 基于此,本文分为四个章节对这些问题展开探讨。 第一章介绍了课题缘起、研究对象、研究问题与方法、研究目的与意义。 第二章剖析了社区商业街中普遍存在问题,如空间消极、环境枯燥、特色缺失和文化乏味等;文章阐述了人性化设计思想的基本内涵是以人为设计主体、追求人与空间的有机统一,,提出了人性化设计思想对社区商业街的物质空间设计和精神内涵表达均有启示意义。 第三章解读了社区商业街中的各种人性需求,归纳了构成理想的社区商业街要具备的四种人性化要素:空间形态为背景、景观环境为实体、个性风采为活力和地域文化为魅力。空间形态体现出商业街的比例关系,它为人们带来舒适感,而景观环境表达出商业街的生命气息,它促进了人与空间的互动。 第四章提出了实现人性化社区商业街的设计要点:空间形态上要采用合适的高宽比,要利用填充空间、分隔空间来增加街道的氛围感;景观环境上要营造有层次的绿化、可参与的水景,要配置舒适的街道家具;个性风采上要利用开放环境、独特形象来表达商业气质,要利用创意理念、创意形态来体现创意风格;地域文化上要通过使街道与地形对话、与气候对话来实现生态文化,要通过挖掘传统元素、重构古典风格来表达历史文化。 笔者期待,论文研究将对建筑师、规划师和城市管理者有一定的学术价值,对我国未来社区商业街的设计有所启发和借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of real estate today, community commercial street, as an important part of real estate development, is favored by real estate developers. At the same time, there are still many developers optimistic, but not popular with community residents community shopping streets, contrary to the development intention. After reading the theory of humanization design and its related application, the author realized that whether the "humanization thought" could be introduced into the design of community commercial street? What are the human needs of community residents? What are the humanized elements of an ideal community shopping street? With doubt, the author began the study of this paper. This paper puts forward four basic questions: first, what are the problems in the community shopping street at present? Second, what is the connotation of humanized design theory in architectural sense? What does it mean for a community mall? Third, what humanized elements should an ideal community shopping street have? Fourth, what are the key points of the design of the humanized community shopping street? Based on this, this paper is divided into four chapters to discuss these problems. The first chapter introduces the origin of the subject, research object, research problems and methods, research purpose and significance. The second chapter analyzes the common problems in the community commercial street, such as negative space, dull environment, lack of characteristics and cultural boredom. In pursuit of the organic unity of man and space, the author puts forward the idea of humanized design which has enlightening significance to the material space design and spiritual connotation expression of community commercial street. The third chapter interprets the various human needs in the community commercial street, and sums up the four humanized elements that constitute the ideal community commercial street: the space form as the background, the landscape environment as the entity, the personality as the vigor and the regional culture as the charm. The spatial form reflects the proportional relationship of the commercial street, which brings people a sense of comfort, while the landscape environment expresses the life breath of the commercial street, which promotes the interaction between people and space. The fourth chapter puts forward the design essentials of realizing the humanized community commercial street: the suitable aspect ratio should be adopted in the space form, the filling space should be used to increase the atmosphere feeling of the street, and the landscape environment should be constructed with greening. Participating waterscape should be equipped with comfortable street furniture, open environment, unique image to express commercial temperament, creative idea and creative form should be used to embody creative style. The regional culture should realize the ecological culture by making the street and the terrain dialogue and the climate dialogue, and the historical culture should be expressed by excavating the traditional elements and reconstructing the classical style. The author expects that the research will be of academic value to architects, planners and city managers, and enlighten and draw lessons from the design of future community commercial streets in China.


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