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发布时间:2018-06-26 22:27

  本文选题:西宁三田雍泓实业集团公司 + 战略规划 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Founded in 1998, Xining Santian Yonghong Industrial Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998, formerly known as Xining Santian Yonghong Industrial Group. After more than a decade of hard work and hard work, the Group has grown from nothing to be. The industrial chain has also been extended from Qinghai Province to Beijing, Hebei and other areas, gradually developing into a large-scale professional market, real estate development, book retail, hotel industry, property management as one of the initial private enterprise group. The group owns Qinghai Beishan Temple Decoration material Co., Ltd. (Beishan Market), Qinghai Santian Yonghong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Qinghai Santian Electronic Technology Development Co., Ltd (Shengli Road Electronic Market), Xining Santian Scholesheng Co., Ltd. Xining Santian Century Plaza Co., Ltd., Qinghai Santian property Management Co., Ltd., Xining Santian Shopping Commodity City (Xiaoqiao Hualian Commercial Building), Qinghai Santian Yonghong Advertising Media Co., Ltd, in Beijing, Hebei Xianghe has 11 subsidiaries with independent legal personality, such as Beijing Santian Yonghong Investment Company, Xianghe Santian Yonghong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd and Xianghe Santian Yonghong Hotel. On the whole, the group company has been operating successfully since its founding. However, with the development and change of China's economic environment, the business competition environment in which the group is located has become increasingly dynamic and complex. Xining Santian Yonghong Industrial Group, which is located in the underdeveloped area of economy, is facing more complicated challenges if it wants to develop healthily and gain competitive advantage in the fierce competition. On the one hand, in response to the current overall economic environment, the key to the development of Xining Santian Yonghong Industrial Group is what kind of company development strategy should be formulated, how to further optimize the business combination, how to allocate resources reasonably and how to raise funds. On the other hand, what kind of operation strategy, marketing strategy, human resource strategy, and how to adjust the organizational structure of the company to adapt to the company's development strategy, these are the problems to be solved. It is also the research task of this paper. In view of these problems, this paper studies the current macro-economy, the economic development of Qinghai Province in recent years and the government's strategy for the development of the western region. The paper points out the strategic development direction that the group company should adhere to in the next few years and the corresponding system of management capital operation and so on.


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