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发布时间:2018-06-27 09:54

  本文选题:养老地产 + 差异化战略 ; 参考:《北京建筑大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着老龄化群体的日益壮大,养老群体强烈需求的资源、医疗养护、配套设施等配套服务逐渐跟不上,老年人对于养老市场供给的水平提出了更高层次的要求。在人们生活水平普遍提高的同时,建立具有养老特色、功能设施齐全的高端养老项目迫在眉睫。再加上民政部指出养老机构不是单纯的供养型机构,而应结合治疗、养护、康复、教育、娱乐等功能。养老地产正在成为新一轮地产项目开发商的香饽饽,与此同时越来越多的社会机构争相进入养老地产行业。在老龄化问题和房地产调控政策外部因素的影响下,养老地产开发企业需要厘清情势,适时调整发展战略,执行和利用与外部环境、公司资源和能力相契合的发展战略,改变盈利模式,这样才能在激烈的养老地产行业竞争环境中取得竞争优势。 论文选取养老地产的先行者——YD公司为研究对象,通过理论方法与案例研究相结合,全面分析公司的战略环境,利用SWOT模型与战略地位分析,提出了发展目标,制定出竞争发展战略方案,并根据企业现有的发展情况提出战略选择和具体战略实施措施:通过品牌营销实现差异化战略来赢得客户;通过推进一体化战略来优化组织结构;建立行业战略联盟走可持续的发展战略。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the growing population of the aged, the supporting services such as the intensive demand of the aged group, medical care and supporting facilities have gradually been unable to follow. The elderly have put forward a higher level of requirements for the level of the supply of the pension market. At the same time, the living standard has been raised and the features of the aged are established and the functional facilities are complete. The high-end pension project is imminent, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs points out that the pension institution is not a simple supply type organization, but should combine the functions of treatment, maintenance, rehabilitation, education, entertainment and so on. The old-age property is becoming the hot spot for a new real estate project developer, while more and more social institutions are competing for the old estate industry. Under the influence of the aging problem and the external factors of the real estate regulation policy, the old estate development enterprise needs to clarify the situation, adjust the development strategy in a timely manner, implement and utilize the development strategy which is compatible with the external environment, the company resources and ability, and change the profit model so as to achieve competitive advantage in the competitive environment of the aged real estate industry. Potential.
This paper selects the forerunner of the old-age real estate, YD company as the research object, through the combination of theoretical method and case study, comprehensively analyzes the strategic environment of the company, uses the SWOT model and strategic position analysis, puts forward the development target and formulates the strategic plan of the competition development, and puts forward the strategic choice and implements according to the existing development situation of the enterprise. The implementation measures of the body strategy: achieve the customer through the differentiation strategy through the brand marketing; optimize the organization structure by promoting the integration strategy; establish the industry strategic alliance to take the sustainable development strategy.


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