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发布时间:2018-06-28 05:48

  本文选题:泉州 + 城郊农村 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文以泉州东郊华大功能片区为研究对象,结合资料和数据,采用了文献法、勘察法、访谈法、问卷法等方法,分析了泉州整体开发建设环境和该区域的开发建设现状,通过SWOT分析,提出了较为全面的解决方案和建议。主要研究成果如下: 第一,在国家的“海西经济圈”战略规划之下,泉州作为海西的重要城市,开发前景良好,同时泉州经济总量仍位居福建省首位,经济增长率高于全国平均增速,房地产市场供求稳定且略有增长,未来的开发建设具备良好的市场前景。 第二,通过对泉州东郊功能片区周边影响调查分析,提出了泉州其他片区的竞争分流、本片区历史印象差、配套不足、相对远离老城区、缺乏认同感等问题。同时发现了应有效的利用区域内特殊资源,即高校区域的特点,有针对的结合开发建设的方案。 第三,运用SWOT研究分析方法,,对华大片区的周边环境进行了充分、细致的分析,得出区域具备很好的发展前景,开发建设具有较好的预期的结论。 第四,运用4P营销组合方法,提出详实的产品、价格、渠道、促销组合方案,并根据市场的实际情况提出了相应的应对建议,对区域开发进行较为全面的分析论证。
[Abstract]:Based on the research object , the data and the data of the Huada functional area in the eastern suburb of Quanzhou , this paper analyzes the construction environment of the whole development of Quanzhou and the present situation of the development and construction of the region by using the methods of literature , investigation , interview and questionnaire . Through SWOT analysis , a more comprehensive solution and suggestion is put forward . The main research results are as follows :

First , under the " Haixi Economic Circle " strategic planning of the country , Quanzhou is the important city of Haixi , the development prospect is good , while Quanzhou economy total is the first place in Fujian province , the economic growth rate is higher than the national average growth rate , the real estate market supply and demand is stable and slightly increased , the future development and construction has a good market prospect .

Secondly , through the investigation and analysis of the influence on the peripheral function area of Quanzhou , this paper puts forward the competition diversion in other parts of Quanzhou , the difference of historical impression , the shortage of matching , the relative distance from the old city , the lack of identity and so on . At the same time , it is found that the special resources in the region should be effectively utilized , that is , the characteristics of the region of the university and the scheme for the development and construction of the combined development .

Thirdly , the SWOT analysis method is applied to analyze the surrounding environment of China ' s large area , and the conclusion that the region has a good prospect of development and good prospect is obtained .

Fourthly , using 4P marketing combination method , this paper puts forward detailed product , price , channel and promotion combination scheme , and puts forward corresponding suggestions according to the actual situation of the market , and carries out more comprehensive analysis and demonstration on regional development .


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