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发布时间:2018-06-28 10:58

  本文选题:个人住房贷款 + 信用风险 ; 参考:《吉林财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:住房是保障人们生活质量的重要因素,住房条件的好坏直接关系到人民生活质量的高低。随着近几年商品房市场的不断发展,商业银行的个人住房贷款随着房地产市场的发展产生并逐步走向白热化。因为个人住房贷款具有期限长、收益高的特点,所以国家出台有关政策鼓励个人住房贷款的发展,为了响应国家的有关政策各大商业银行迅速发展个人住房贷款业务。与此同时,商业银行在此业务上面临的风险也日益加深。个人住房贷款存在着诸多风险,如流动性风险、操作风险、利率风险等,但在诸多风险中,信用风险是商业银行所面临的最主要的风险,也是最大的风险。部分商业银行个人住房贷款业务由于受到房地产过热后的调控政策的影响,总量出现了下降趋势,且不良贷款率上升,信用风险开始显现。针对当前情况,我国商业银行如何加强对个人住房贷款信用风险的管理,成为其重要课题之一。 商业银行个人住房贷款作为住房金融重点支柱部分,,一直以来受到政府的关注,是社会各界的热点话题。加之2010年以来我国对房地产宏观调控的不断深入,商业银行开始严格控制对房地产行业的贷款,使房地产行业融资受到了很大影响,一时之间使我国房地产市场陷入了低迷状态。在此背景下,个人住房贷款也随之受到干扰。2008年爆发的美国次贷危机,并最终演变成了全球性的金融危机,其带来的巨大影响给各国商业银行敲响了警钟。如何应对商业银行个人住房贷款的信用风险,成为当前各国商业银行急需解决的问题。 本文在我国房地产调控的大背景下,对商业银行个人住房贷款的总体情况作了分析与总结,运用一系列的统计数据,说明和阐述了现阶段国内商业银行个人住房贷款信用风险的总体情况。在分析与论证商业银行信用风险产生的原因的基础上,对个人住房贷款信用风险及管理中的相关问题进行了归纳总结。同时,分析并借鉴了美国次贷危机的产生原因、发展历程及解决措施后,总结了美国在个人住房贷款信用风险方面的优势和在次债危机处理方面的经验。最后,针对现阶段我国个人住房贷款及管理方面存在的不足,提出了相应的对策和建议。希望本文能够为我国商业银行个人住房贷款信用风险管理提供有价值的分析数据与有效建议,为促进我国商业银行信贷业务健康发展和商业银行的持续稳健经营尽绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:Housing is an important factor to guarantee people's quality of life, and the quality of housing is directly related to the quality of people's life. With the development of commercial housing market in recent years, personal housing loans of commercial banks have come into being with the development of real estate market. Because the personal housing loan has the characteristics of long term and high income, the state has issued some policies to encourage the development of the individual housing loan. In order to respond to the relevant policies of the country, the major commercial banks develop the personal housing loan business rapidly. At the same time, commercial banks in this business is also facing a deepening of the risks. There are many risks in personal housing loan, such as liquidity risk, operational risk, interest rate risk, etc. But in many risks, credit risk is the most important risk faced by commercial banks, and it is also the biggest risk. Some commercial banks' personal housing loan business is affected by the regulation and control policy after the real estate overheating, the total amount has shown a downward trend, and the non-performing loan ratio has increased, and the credit risk has begun to appear. In view of the current situation, how to strengthen the management of the credit risk of personal housing loan has become one of the important topics. As the key pillar of housing finance, commercial bank personal housing loan has been concerned by the government all the time, and it is a hot topic in all walks of life. In addition, with the deepening of macro-control of real estate in China since 2010, commercial banks began to strictly control loans to the real estate industry, which greatly affected the financing of the real estate industry. For a while, the real estate market in China has fallen into a state of depression. In this context, personal housing loan is also disturbed. The American subprime mortgage crisis broke out in 2008, and finally developed into a global financial crisis, which has a great impact on commercial banks in various countries. How to deal with the credit risk of commercial banks' personal housing loans has become an urgent problem for commercial banks in various countries. Under the background of real estate regulation and control in China, this paper analyzes and summarizes the general situation of individual housing loans in commercial banks, and applies a series of statistical data. Explained and elaborated the domestic commercial bank individual housing loan credit risk general situation at the present stage. Based on the analysis and demonstration of the causes of the credit risk of commercial banks, the credit risk of personal housing loan and the related problems in the management are summarized. At the same time, this paper analyzes and draws lessons from the causes, development and solutions of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, and summarizes the advantages of the United States in the credit risk of individual housing loans and its experience in dealing with the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Finally, in view of the deficiency of personal housing loan and management in our country at present, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward. It is hoped that this paper can provide valuable analysis data and effective suggestions for the credit risk management of individual housing loans of commercial banks in China, and contribute to the healthy development of the credit business of commercial banks in China and the sustained and steady operation of commercial banks.


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