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发布时间:2018-06-28 10:52

  本文选题:信用卡 + 汽车消费信贷 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:汽车消费信贷的发展对于推动汽车工业的发展有重要的意义。汽车属于大宗耐用消费品,而大宗耐用消费品对于拉动经济,扩大内需有巨大的作用。汽车消费成为了继房地产消费之后我国消费结构升级的重要保证。纵观国际汽车发展历史,汽车信贷对于西方发达国家如欧美日韩,甚至对于发展中国家如印度的汽车消费贡献率都超过了60%,而在我国由于汽车消费信贷起步比较晚,发展过程中遇到一些错综复杂的问题,对于汽车消费的贡献率不足20%,远远低于国际平均水平。因此汽车消费信贷在我国有巨大的发展空间。在我国汽车消费贷款的发展过程中,近年来信用卡购车贷款发展迅猛,已经成为各大银行中间业务的主要增长点。因此信用购车分期付的研究具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。 本文主要研究内容如下: 第一章绪论部分首先介绍选题的背景及研究意义;其次详细的介绍了国内外的研究现状;最后提出了本文所要研究的内容提要和研究方法。 第二章首先简要介绍了汽车消费信贷的基本理论,针对汽车消费信贷的概念,市场主体,表现特征等方面进行了探讨;其次简要分析了我国汽车产销市场的发展,指出汽车消费信贷具有广阔的发展空间,同时根据有关数据得出我国居民人均收入水平在稳步增长,但是消费水平下降。紧接着本节进行了影响我国汽车消费信贷发展的因素分析,分别从汽车消费和使用环境,居民消费观念和消费水平以及信用制度的建设等方面进行阐述。最后分析了汽车消费信贷发展的意义,具体为:汽车消费信贷有利于快速盘活银行贷款存量,优化贷款增量,提高资金利用率,同时带来优质的客户资源;使大多数人有机会提前实现自己的购车梦,提高人民的生活水平;可以帮助其增加销量,及时收回销售资金。有利于推动我国个人征信体系的建设和发展。有利于扩大消费,拉动内需,促进经济增长。 第三章首先简要介绍信用卡及信用卡消费分期付款的基本理论,详细介绍信用卡购车分期付的定义,业务流程,市场发展状况等。其次介绍汽车消费信贷的两种模式,分析这两种模式的利弊,指出信用卡购车分期付款采用这种模式的相对优越性。最后针对信用卡购车分期付款模式进行详细分析并与汽车金融公司汽车贷款进行比较分析该业务的优势与劣势。 第四章介绍信用卡购车分期付款的模型背景,指出信用卡购车分期付款采用这种以银行为主导的“直客”式模式。在新车贷险条款下,保险公司根本无风险可保,银行无兴趣与保险公司合作开办新车贷险业务,而汽车经销商基本不存在经营风险。于是主要的利益矛盾就存在于银行和消费者之间。其次信用卡购车分期付款的有关购车合同中,针对消费者出现三次违约或未按照合同约定支付手续费或者消费者资信或者财务状况发生恶化等情况,建立银行-消费者博弈模型,从微观上分析双方的利益诉求。最后进行了影响消费者还款的因素分析,分别从汽车普遍降价幅度过高,贬值速度过快;消费者资金周转出现问题;信用惩罚机制不健全等三方面解释了消费出现还款问题的原因。 第五章主要是针对杭州某银行信用卡购车分期付款的案例分析。首先介绍了某银行信用卡购车分期付款业务基本情况并作了简要分析。针对个人经营贷款的总体情况分别从贷款增量,个人消费贷款的收益,个贷中间业务收入,以及个人汽车贷款的收益,风险控制,业务流程等方面进行了简要分析。其次,分析了某银行与消费者的博弈关系,分别从车价,车型,消费者的行业以及收入和房产所有等方面深入探讨了银行与消费者之间的利益矛盾关系。最后进行了银行在推动信用卡购车分期付款发展的措施分析。 第六章是结论和展望。信用卡购车分期付款具有广阔的发展前景,但是在发展过程中仍然存在一些问题,如车辆贬值问题的的模型分析,二手车市场的规范措施等仍需要做进一步的分析研究。
[Abstract]:The development of automobile consumer credit is of great significance to promote the development of automobile industry . The automobile belongs to the large - scale durable consumer goods , and the consumption of commodities is an important guarantee for the promotion of consumption structure in China after real estate consumption .

The main contents of this paper are as follows :

The first chapter introduces the background of the topic and the significance of the research .
Secondly , the present situation of research at home and abroad is introduced in detail .
In the end , the content and research methods to be studied in this paper are put forward .

In the second chapter , the basic theory of automobile consumer credit is briefly introduced , and the concept , market subject and performance characteristics of automobile consumer credit are discussed .
Secondly , the paper analyzes the development of automobile production and marketing in our country , points out that automobile consumer credit has a broad development space . At the same time , according to the relevant data , the author expounds the factors that affect the development of automobile consumption credit , and analyzes the significance of the development of automobile consumer credit .
so that most people have the opportunity to realize their own car dream in advance and improve the living standard of the people ;
It is beneficial to promote the construction and development of personal credit system in our country . It is beneficial to expand consumption , pull domestic demand and promote economic growth .

In chapter 3 , the basic theory of credit card and credit card consumption installment payment is briefly introduced . The definition , business process and market development status of credit card purchase and purchase installment payment are introduced in detail . Secondly , two modes of automobile consumer credit are introduced , and the advantages and disadvantages of these two modes are analyzed .

The fourth chapter introduces the model background of credit card purchase installment payment , and points out that the credit card purchase and purchase installment payment adopts the " direct passenger " mode dominated by the bank . Under the new loan risk clause , the insurance company has no risk to guarantee , the bank is not interested in cooperating with the insurance company to start the new car loan insurance business , and the automobile dealer basically does not have the business risk .
There is a problem in the turnover of the consumer ' s funds ;
The reasons for the repayment of consumption are explained in three aspects , such as imperfect credit penalty mechanism .

The fifth chapter is mainly about the case analysis of the credit card purchase installment payment in Hangzhou . First , it introduces the basic situation of the credit card purchase and installment payment business of a bank , and makes a brief analysis on the general situation of the individual business loan . Secondly , it analyzes the game relation between the bank and the consumer , and analyzes the relationship between the bank and the consumer from the car price , the model , the consumer ' s industry , the income and the property . Finally , the bank ' s measures to promote the payment development of the credit card purchase vehicle are analyzed .

The sixth chapter is the conclusion and prospect . The credit card purchase installment payment has a broad prospect , but there are still some problems in the development process , such as the model analysis of the problem of the depreciation of the vehicle , the norm measure of the second - hand car market , and so on .


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