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发布时间:2018-06-28 14:18

  本文选题:行政合同 + 行政合同诉讼 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:“行政合同是具有行政性质的合同,,是指行政主体之间,或者行政主体与个人、组织之间,以及行政主体与公务员之间为实现国家行政管理相关的一些目标,而依法签订的协议。”行政合同是促进行政理性化、民主化的一种新型行政手段,行政合同作为现代行政管理的一种措施,已经被广泛的应用于各国实践。由于行政合同引入我国的时间还很短,仍然是一种新兴的词汇,而且相应的制度也不完善,缺乏必要的保障机制,使得行政合同仍旧存在理论上的困惑,立法上的不完整。特别是作为行政合同最好也是最后保障的行政合同救济,它的发展与行政合同的发展存在不同步性,同时行政合同救济中存在的问题已经对行政合同的大量使用产生了严重的影响。因此,我们要保障当事人的合法权益就必须完善行政合同立法,构建行政合同诉讼这一新型诉讼类型,只有这样才能从根本上实现对当事人权益的保障。 本文共分为六章:第一章绪论。首先主要介绍了两个典型案例,一个是泰丰大酒店诉大同市土管局一案,另一个是武汉市国土资源管理局与武汉兴松房地产开发有限公司行政纠纷上诉案一案,从这两个典型案例引出构建行政合同诉讼这一诉讼类型。其次,是从研究的现状和研究的意义两个方面内容进行了阐述。最后,提出本文的研究的思路。第二章行政合同诉讼的基本理论。主要介绍了行政合同诉讼的基本理论,其中包括行政合同概念及特征,以及行政合同诉讼的含义及特征和行政合同诉讼的理论基础。第三章我国行政合同诉讼司法救济的现状与改革思路分析。主要是对我国行政合同诉讼司法救济的现状进行了分析,提出构建我国行政合同诉讼的必要性及可行性。第四章域外行政合同诉讼之考察。主要是对域外行政合同诉讼制度的研究,通过比较研究提出我国行政合同诉讼所存在的问题。第五章我国行政合同诉讼的建构。本章是对我国行政合同诉讼这一特殊行政诉讼类型构建的阐述,主要是从立法思路选择,以及立法的具体制度设计两个方面提出了相应的改革对策。第六章结论。对文章主要观点进行归纳。本文重点是通过分析行政合同诉讼的基本理论,反思我国现有的行政合同救济制度存在之问题,进而结合行政合同自身的特殊性,吸收域外先进经验对我国的行政合同诉讼之建构进行探讨。
[Abstract]:"Administrative contracts are contracts of an administrative nature. They refer to administrative subjects, or between administrative subjects and individuals, between organizations, and between administrative subjects and civil servants in order to achieve some objectives related to the administration of the state. And an agreement signed in accordance with the law. " Administrative contract is a new administrative means to promote the rationalization and democratization of administration. As a measure of modern administration, administrative contract has been widely used in various countries. The administrative contract is still a new word because of the short time it has been introduced into our country, and the corresponding system is not perfect and lacks the necessary safeguard mechanism, which makes the administrative contract still exist the confusion in theory and the incomplete in legislation. Especially, as the best and final guarantee of the administrative contract, its development is different from the development of the administrative contract. At the same time, the problems existing in the relief of administrative contracts have had a serious impact on the extensive use of administrative contracts. Therefore, if we want to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, we must perfect the legislation of the administrative contract and construct the new type of litigation of the administrative contract. Only in this way can we fundamentally realize the protection of the rights and interests of the parties. This paper is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is an introduction. First of all, it mainly introduces two typical cases, one case of Taifeng Hotel v. Datong City Land Management Bureau, the other case of administrative dispute appeal case between Wuhan City Land and Resources Administration Bureau and Wuhan Xingsong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. From these two typical cases, construct the litigation type of administrative contract litigation. Secondly, from the current situation of the study and the significance of the two aspects of the elaboration. Finally, the paper puts forward the research ideas. The second chapter is the basic theory of administrative contract litigation. This paper mainly introduces the basic theory of administrative contract litigation, including the concept and characteristics of administrative contract, the meaning and characteristics of administrative contract litigation and the theoretical basis of administrative contract litigation. The third chapter analyzes the current situation and reform ideas of judicial relief of administrative contract litigation in China. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation of judicial relief of administrative contract litigation in China, and puts forward the necessity and feasibility of constructing administrative contract litigation in our country. Chapter IV: an investigation of Administrative contract procedure outside the Territory. This paper mainly studies the system of administrative contract litigation in foreign countries, and puts forward the problems of administrative contract litigation in our country through comparative study. The fifth chapter is the construction of administrative contract litigation in our country. This chapter expounds the construction of the special administrative litigation type of administrative contract litigation in our country, and puts forward the corresponding reform countermeasures from two aspects: the choice of legislative thinking and the specific system design of legislation. Chapter VI conclusion. The main points of view of the article are summarized. By analyzing the basic theory of administrative contract litigation, this paper reflects on the existing problems of administrative contract relief system in China, and then combines the particularity of administrative contract itself. This paper discusses the construction of administrative contract litigation in China by absorbing foreign advanced experience.


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