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发布时间:2018-06-28 16:37

  本文选题:房地产业政策 + 制定权 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In today's China, with the prosperity of the real estate industry, while making important contributions to the economic development, it has also brought many negative effects, such as rising house prices, and the rate of increase is far higher than that of other price increases. The problem of low and middle income people's difficulty in buying a house is becoming more and more prominent, the real estate industry is in short supply of funds, the capital chain is in danger of breaking, and the crisis trend of the real estate industry has also been revealed. In view of this, the government has applied monetary policy, fiscal and tax policy, etc. Industrial policies and other real estate market launched a series of macro-control. When many scholars talk about the problems of "housing difficulty" and "housing purchase difficulty", they basically attribute the reasons to overinvestment, incomplete structure and function of real estate financial system, imperfect legal system in real estate, etc. There are conflicts of interest between the central government and the local government, the relationship between the interests of the local government and the real estate developers, and so on. But they all ignore the real estate policy as the source-real estate policy making right in the development of real estate. As a kind of adjusting and controlling tool, the real estate policy can not only guide the development direction of the real estate market in macroscopic aspect, but also adjust the problems of the real estate market caused by the phenomenon of "market failure". So who is the main body of the real estate policy-making right is not clearly pointed out in most articles concerning the real estate industry. In fact, a series of problems of real estate policy-making power are the main source of real estate market problems. A series of problems of real estate policy-making power, including the subject of policy-making, the implementation and supervision of policy-making power and so on. By using the methods of literature research, comparative analysis, enumeration and quantification, the paper makes a comparative study of the three major policies of real estate industry: monetary policy, fiscal policy and industrial policy, combining with the national conditions of various countries. The division of political power, etc., analyzes the ownership of the policy making power, emphasizes the clear authorization of the law, and points out clearly the main body of the formulation, implementation and supervision of each real estate policy. In particular, the central government of various countries formulates the policy on the macro level, and the local government, within the scope of the macro policy and the authorization of laws and regulations, combines the actual situation in various places to formulate the authority of the real estate policy suitable for the development of the region. On the basis of these analyses, combining with the situation of our country, this paper puts forward the "subject ought to be" of the right of policy making of real estate industry in our country, and aims at the monetary policy of real estate industry. The formulation of fiscal policy and industrial policy in Chinese context puts forward some suggestions to perfect the relevant legal system.


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