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发布时间:2018-06-29 02:48

  本文选题:西安 + 住宅区 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着西安国际化大都市进程的不断加快、城市房地产业的持续升温。现代城市住宅区的植物景观设计不再是简单的草地、花坛和高大乔木,而是由绿地的数量向绿地的质量发展,,追求绿化配置与景观小品、园路、铺装等硬质景观的协调统一,营造生态型、高尚的社区人文景观环境。 本文在调查研究园林景观中植物配置和西安植物种类的基础上,从西安市住宅区园林景观中植物配置存在的问题入手,对目前西安居住区景观设计中植物配置存在的注重视觉效应忽视实用性、注重绿化面积忽视人文关怀、注重景观营销忽视植物多样性等三方面问题与误区的原因进行了分析。调研发现,西安很多开发商对地产景观的作用认识还不足,对景观建设中园林植物配置并不十分重视,在很多房地产公司并没有设置专门的园林景观技术部门,存在盲目照搬其他住宅区的景观设计,过分追求引进外地名优树种,忽视本土优质植物资源,造成树木成活率不高,植物多样性差,各楼盘千篇一律,缺乏自有特点,园林景观实用性小,缺乏文关怀,地产景观中园林植物配置失去了居住区景观空间设计应追求整体美、生动美、充实美、乡土美、和亲和美的理念。 提出了西安城市住宅区景观设计中植物配置应尽早介入设计,同步进行植物配置、因地制宜选择植物,突出本地植物景观特色、遵循人性化原则,体现植物文化内涵、利用生物多样性原则,丰富植物群落的思路和对策。针对西安主要以“乔木一灌木一草花”模式为主的植物配置单一,缺少季相变化的现象,进一步从植物配置的树种比例和不同层次、季节特性植物相结合入手,对西安住宅区景观设计中植物配置的应用进行了探讨。期望能给西安城市住宅区园林景观规划设计中合理植物配置起到一些积极作用,使西安住宅区通过植物配置使景观既具有丰富的多样性又能体现鲜明的东方古城地域性文化特色和资源丰富的特点,居住环境布局合理、功能齐全,形成植物品种搭配合理,植物的季相特征鲜明,三季有花可赏,四季有景可观。
[Abstract]:With the process of Xi'an international metropolis speeding up, the urban real estate industry continues to heat up. The plant landscape design of modern urban residential areas is no longer simple grassland, flower beds and tall trees, but the quantity of green space to the quality of green space development, the pursuit of greening configuration and landscape sketch, garden road, pavement and other hard landscape coordination unity. Create ecological type, noble community humanistic landscape environment. On the basis of investigation and research on plant configuration in landscape and plant species in Xi'an, this paper starts with the problems of plant allocation in landscape of Xi'an residential district. This paper analyzes the causes of three problems and misunderstandings in the landscape design of Xi'an residential area, such as paying attention to visual effect and practicability, paying attention to afforesting area and neglecting humanistic concern, paying attention to landscape marketing and ignoring plant diversity, etc. The investigation found that many developers in Xi'an still do not have enough understanding of the role of real estate landscape, and do not attach great importance to the landscape plant configuration in the landscape construction. In many real estate companies, they have not set up a special landscaping technical department. There are blind copy of the landscape design of other residential areas, excessive pursuit of the introduction of foreign famous and excellent tree species, neglect of native high-quality plant resources, resulting in a low survival rate of trees, poor plant diversity, the same buildings, lack of their own characteristics, The garden landscape has little practicability and lack of literature concern. The landscape plant configuration in the real estate landscape has lost the idea that the whole beauty, vivid beauty, enrichment beauty, local beauty, and affinity beauty should be pursued in the design of residential landscape space. In the landscape design of Xi'an urban residential area, plant configuration should be involved as early as possible, plant allocation should be carried out synchronously, plants should be selected according to local conditions, local plant landscape characteristics should be highlighted, humanization principle should be followed, and plant culture connotation should be embodied. Using the principle of biodiversity to enrich the ideas and countermeasures of plant communities. In view of the lack of seasonal change in the plant configuration of Xi'an, which is dominated by the pattern of "Arbor, shrub, grass and flower", the combination of tree species proportion and different levels of plant allocation and seasonal characteristics of plants is further taken into account. The application of plant configuration in landscape design of Xi'an residential area was discussed. It is expected to play a positive role in the rational plant allocation in the landscape planning and design of Xi'an urban residential areas. The landscape of Xi'an residential area can not only be rich in diversity, but also reflect the regional cultural characteristics and the rich resources of the ancient eastern city, the residential environment is reasonable, the function is complete, and the plant variety collocation is reasonable, so as to make the landscape of Xi'an residential district have rich diversity and reflect the characteristics of regional culture and abundant resources. The seasonal characteristics of plants are bright, three seasons have flowers to appreciate, four seasons have a considerable view.


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