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发布时间:2018-06-30 21:13

  本文选题:新建支行 + 零售业务 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着当今经济全球化的不断深入,以及金融自由化与金融衍生产品市场的不断发展,各国之间的经济联系愈发紧密,国际间的经济金融交流愈发频繁。另一方面,这也导致各国的经济愈发的受到他国影响,在全球性的金融危机中愈发的不能独善其身。 自2007年美国次贷危机爆发以来的五年多时间中,全球主要市场已经先后经历了全球性的金融危机阶段,竞相推出量化宽松等各种经济刺激政策阶段,经济复苏阶段,通胀抬头阶段等几个阶段。尤其在我国,自2008年推出4万亿的经济刺激政策对我国经济的稳定与发展起了一定作用后,为了防范通胀,稳定社会经济,在2012年之前一直实行的是相对紧缩的货币政策和相对稳健的财政政策,特别是近几年来对房地产市场持续实施了一系列力度较大的调控错失。 从近年国内的行业发展情况来看,光伏、证券、化工、房地产、电力、海运等行业受到较为明显的冲击。受国外市场疲软影响,大多数出口导向型企业也受到较大冲击,减产甚至停产的情况并不罕见。另一方面,由于钢铁、原煤等原材料供过于求,其价格已经持续下跌较长时间,导致一些传统重工业企业利润持续下降,经济效益受到一定的影响。 近几年中国的金融市场也发生了深刻的变化,随着金融改革的深化,企业参股的村镇银行、中小商业银行,大集团自建的财务公司,以及今年下半年开始券商业务创新,还有不可否认的地下金融与影子银行现象,这些无不昭示着这个市场的改变。 银行从金融市场的代名词逐步成为金融市场的一个参与者,这其中面临着诸多的挑战,有的是业务竞争上的,也有自我定位上的,但无论接受或是不接受,银行业面对的巨大挑战是需要整个行业去破题。市场对银行业的整体担忧从A股市场的估值可见一斑,在2012年的大部分时间里,银行股的市盈率甚至只有5倍左右,很多“优秀”的银行股价一度跌破了净资产。可见对未来银行业的盈利增长性,市场是持保留态度的。 另一方面,2012年也是银行信用遭受巨大打击的一年。从前些年银行的信用问题主要集中于保险产品的误导问题,到今年则是一些信托产品无法到期兑付,一些国有大行的海外理财产品因巨亏而遭到质疑,甚至某些中小商业银行的承兑票据在市场上无法贴现,必须持有到期,某国有大行行长公开宣称银行理财产品是“庞氏骗局”。等等这些问题都是需要整个银行业引起重视的,绝不能以透支信任的代价去换得所谓快速增长。 结合上述两点,笔者认为在现阶段的市场环境下,银行业应该逐步改变过往的发展思路。而对于新建支行的发展和生存,在思考支行如何克服困难、如何“生存壮大”的时候,逐步形成了本文所述的这种通过构建营销体系,来解决问题的思路。 本文正是结合我国现阶段的具体国情,着眼于后金融危机时代的特定背景,针对我国股份制商业银行新建支行所面对的机会与挑战,提出在零售业务渠道构建多层次营销体系的思想,为商业银行新建支行零售业务的持续健康发展提供一种有操作性的发展思路。 本文将围绕新建支行、支行零售部工作人员、第三方合作机构、零售业务客户四者之间相互依托、相互影响的关系,分析构建多层次营销体系的必要性与可能性,从过去把银行作为营销体系中的一个整体的思维方式中跳出来,从新建支行这个机构的内部着手,提出把新建支行内部分为支行与员工两个相互联系的部分,讨论内部的管理与营销问题。并且在对外营销中也根据不同的主体进行各有侧重的营销管理,这样把内部营销与外部营销联系起来,形成多层次的营销体系,贯彻全面化营销的思想,把多层次体系中的各个主体都构建进来,并希望从这样的营销的视角出发,提出对新建支行零售部的可供执行的建议,让零售业务渠道在筹建之初就能有一个夯实的基础供其可持续的发展。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of economic globalization and the continuous development of financial liberalization and financial derivatives market, the economic relations between countries are becoming more and more closely, and the international economic and financial exchanges are becoming more frequent. On the other hand, this also leads to the more and more countries' economies affected by other countries, and more and more in the global financial crisis. You can't be alone.
For more than five years since the outbreak of the United States subprime mortgage crisis in 2007, the major global markets have experienced a global financial crisis, competing for various stages of economic stimulation such as quantitative easing, the stage of economic recovery, and the rising stage of inflation. In China, 4 trillion of the economic stimulus has been launched in China from 2008. After the policy has played a certain role in the stability and development of China's economy, in order to prevent inflation and stabilize the social economy, the policy of relatively tight monetary policy and relatively stable fiscal policy have been carried out before 2012, especially in recent years, a series of strong regulatory errors have been continuously implemented in the real estate market.
From the domestic industry development in recent years, photovoltaic, securities, chemical industry, real estate, electricity, shipping and other industries have been more obvious impact. Affected by the weakness of foreign market, most export oriented enterprises have also been greatly impacted. The reduction of production and even stop production is not rare. On the other hand, raw materials such as steel, raw coal and other raw materials are oversupplied. For a long time, the price of some traditional heavy industry enterprises has been declining, and the economic benefits have been affected.
In recent years, China's financial market has also undergone profound changes. With the deepening of the financial reform, the township banks, small and medium commercial banks, the financial companies that have been built by the large groups, and the business innovation of the securities companies in the second half of this year, as well as the undeniable underground finance and the shadow banking phenomenon, which show the market. Change.
Banks have gradually become a participant in financial markets, which are faced with many challenges, some are competitive and have self positioning. However, no matter whether they accept or not, the huge challenge facing the banking industry is to solve the problem in the whole industry. The whole concern of the market to the banking industry is from the A stock market. The valuation of the field is visible. In most of 2012, the price earnings ratio of the bank shares was only about 5 times, and many "excellent" bank shares fell short of net assets.
On the other hand, the year 2012 was also a year of huge blow to the bank's credit. From the previous years, the credit problems of the banks were mainly focused on the misleading of the insurance products. This year, some trust products were unable to meet, and some state-owned large banks were questioned because of huge losses, and even the acceptance of some small and medium commercial banks. Bills cannot be discounted on the market, must be held due, and a state-owned chief executive publicly claims that the bank's financial products are "Ponzi fraud". And so on, all these problems need the attention of the entire banking industry, and can not be replaced by the so-called rapid growth at the cost of overdraft trust.
Combining the above two points, the author thinks that in the current market environment, the banking industry should gradually change the development ideas of the past. And for the development and survival of the new branch, when thinking about how to overcome the difficulties and how to "survive and grow", the paper has gradually formed this kind of solving the problem through the construction of the marketing system. Thinking.
This paper, based on the specific national conditions at the present stage of our country and focusing on the specific background of the post financial crisis era, aims at the opportunities and challenges facing the new branch of the joint-stock commercial banks in China, and puts forward the idea of building a multi-level marketing system in the retail channels to provide the sustainable and healthy development of the new branch retail business of the commercial banks. An operational idea of development.
This article will focus on the new branch, the staff of the retail department, the third party cooperation agency and the relationship between the four customers of the retail business and the relationship between each other, and analyze the necessity and possibility of constructing the multi-level marketing system. From the past, we jump out of the bank as a whole thinking mode in the marketing system and from the new branch. In the interior of this organization, it is proposed to divide the new branch into two interrelated parts of the branch and staff, to discuss the internal management and marketing problems, and to carry out the marketing management according to the different subjects in the external marketing, so as to link the internal marketing with the external marketing and form a multi-level marketing body. In order to carry out the idea of comprehensive marketing and build all the subjects in the multi-level system, we hope that from the perspective of marketing, the suggestions on the implementation of the retail department of the new branch will be put forward so that the retail channel can have a solid foundation for its sustainable development at the beginning of the preparation.


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