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发布时间:2018-07-01 07:37

  本文选题:解放战争时期 + 任弼时 ; 参考:《党的文献》2014年02期

[Abstract]:During the great historical turning point of the War of Liberation, Ren Bishi assisted Mao Zedong to share all kinds of policy problems arising from the victorious advance of the war. When the army moves forward, the center of the policy is unity 90 and divide the remaining 10. This is the Ren Bishi in this period of policy thinking leading. He perfected, refined the land reform policy, corrected the "left" deviation, pointed out the concrete manifestation of the "left" deviation in the land reform, put forward some policy boundaries clearly, and put forward the relative solutions systematically. When the PLA shifted from strategic defense to strategic attack, he stressed the need to develop production, protect and support the development of the national economy in the liberated areas in order to support the long-term war. He set forth general principles and policy details for the logistic support of the army. On the issue of minerals and real estate after the liberation of cities, he made it clear that they should depend on who owned them. In order to avoid the confusion caused by the registration of members of the former reactionary organizations, he suggested to the Central Committee that the ordinary members of the National people's Party and the members of the three Youth League should not be required to register. During the War of Liberation, Ren Bishi played an important role in the first generation of CPC Central leadership with such keen insight, firm spirit of principle, meticulous observation and careful thinking.
【作者单位】: 中共中央文献研究室;


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