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发布时间:2018-07-01 10:12

  本文选题:居住区 + 居住区景观 ; 参考:《广东工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着时代的进步和经济的快速发展,人们生活水平和审美水平的提高,人们对人居环境的要求也越来越高,不再局限于只是外表单一的物质满足的要求,而是上升为对精神文化和环境质量等多重层面更高质量追求。居住区是当今城市居住最主要的形式,它很大意义上代表着一个城市居住水平的现状和发展,而居住区综合质量的评定有着许多的参考指标,而最能体现居住区的指标优势则是居住区外部环境的景观质量。十一五规划也重点指出人居环境的重要性,是幸福指数的重要组成部分。“家园”是指家和园的结合,家——泛指室内的空间,园——则是指室内空间的外延,本论文重点就是研究“园“空间的多元化特色,从而剖析分类重构较为人性化、生态化、节能化的合理园林景观空间,为人类的人居环境健康发展尽一份力。 在今年以“中国美、环境美”为主题的中国政策论坛上,许多专家提出了当今环境破坏的严重性,提出了发展和环境的尖锐矛盾,最后以“既要金山银山,也要绿水青山”作结,突出了环境问题刻不容缓。然而居住环境和人的生活最为密切,它时时刻刻都在影响着人们的身心健康,所以对居住区景观环境的研究显得刻不容缓。 快速城市化的今天,深圳作为我国对外的一个不可缺少的窗口,提倡“以文化立市”的发展目标,许多不同文化蜂拥而至,深圳作为多种文化的“试验地”,中西文化在这片土壤上不断的碰撞交融。而深圳的居住区景观形象更是百家争鸣,所以对多种文化进行归类对比分析,可减少随意杂糅照搬的现象产生。对多种文化进行分类研究有利于文化之间的明晰化,起到了过滤器的效果。随着中国房地产事业的崛起,很多居住区盲目的模仿深圳,本课题的研究主要是突显出深圳城市居住区景观方面的“滤网“的作用,而多元化形式正是深圳这个城市最大的特色,对深圳居住区的多元化类比分析研究,对内地居住区建设和学习借鉴具有十分重要的意义。 同时,本课题结合了十一五规划的指导思想,“城市规划与建筑设计要延续历史,传承文化,突出特色,保护民族、文化遗产和风景名胜资源”。本课题依据了十一五规划:“提供住房水平、发展环境、推进基本公共服务均等化、大力发展生活性服务业、大力发展循环经济、促进生态保护和修复”的指导思想,在经济飞速发展的今天,居住区景观出现了盲目追求速度,在当今城市面临着“城市特色千城一面”和“城市环境超负荷“等多重危机一味的模仿堆砌的现象越来越严重,景观成为开发商太高房价的噱头。深圳现居人口约1300万左右,70%居住者方式是采用租用,而一些高档的居住区则完全是被富人所享用。对其多元化形式的研究,能为住房水平公共服务均等化有一定的现实意义。在2011年深圳人民政府主办的深圳香港城市/建筑双城双年双年展中的“一户·人家”的竞赛中也是围绕保障性居住区研究这一核心问题展开的,诸多方面都体现了对居住景观形象多元化的研究显得十分必要。 本论文通过对深圳较具特色的居住区进行深入调研分析比较,分片区分风格分细节元素等诸多方面进行剖析研究,提出深圳居住区景观形象多元化的特色,提出存在的利弊,也相对应提出一些建设性的发展意见,能一定程度上明晰当代中国景观事业发展的方向。 本课题在研究其景观形象多元化的特色的同时,也融入了生态节能、低碳、文化地域性、原真性、安全性等人性化理念研究。本课题研究具有十分重要的意义。
[Abstract]:With the progress of the times and the rapid development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard and aesthetic level, the demands of people's living environment are becoming higher and higher. They are no longer limited to the requirement of the material satisfaction of a single appearance, but a higher quality pursuit for the multiple levels of spiritual culture and the quality of the environment. The most important form of living represents the current situation and development of a city's living level in a great sense, and the evaluation of the comprehensive quality of the residential area has many reference indexes, and the best embodiment of the index advantage of the residential area is the landscape quality of the external environment of the residential area. In 11th Five-Year, the regulation also pointed out the importance of the living environment and was happy. An important part of the index. "Home" refers to the combination of home and garden, home - the room space, the garden - the extension of the interior space. The focus of this paper is to study the diversified features of the "garden" space, so as to analyze the rational, ecological and energy-efficient landscape space for human beings. Live a healthy development of the environment.
At the Chinese Policy Forum on the theme of "the beauty of China and the beauty of the environment" this year, many experts put forward the seriousness of the environmental damage and put forward the sharp contradiction between the development and the environment. Finally, the environmental problems have been highlighted by "the mountain silver mountain and the green Mountain". However, the living environment and human life are the most important. Cut, it affects people's physical and mental health all the time, so it is urgent to study the landscape environment of residential area.
With the rapid urbanization, Shenzhen is an indispensable window for our country to promote the development of "cultural market". Many different cultures come in, Shenzhen as a "test place" of various cultures, and the Chinese and Western cultures continue to collide in this soil. And the landscape image of Shenzhen's residential area is more than one hundred disputes. Therefore, the classification and comparison of various cultures can reduce the phenomenon of random miscellaneous copying. The classification of various cultures is beneficial to the clarity of the culture and the effect of the filter. With the rise of China's real estate business, many residential areas blindly imitate Shenzhen. The research of this subject is mainly highlighted. Shenzhen urban residential landscape of the "filter screen" role, and the diversification of the form is the largest feature of the city in Shenzhen. The analysis of the pluralism of the residential area in Shenzhen is of great significance to the construction and learning of the residential areas in the mainland.
At the same time, this topic combines the guiding ideology of 11th Five-Year planning. "Urban planning and architectural design should continue history, inherit culture, highlight characteristics, protect national, cultural heritage and scenic resources". This subject is based on the plan of 11th Five-Year: "providing housing level, developing environment, promoting the equalization of basic public services, and vigorously developing students." Active service industry, vigorously develop circular economy, promote ecological protection and repair "guiding ideology. In today's rapid economic development, the residential landscape has a blind pursuit of speed. In today's cities, the phenomenon of" urban characteristics thousand city side "and" urban environment overload "and multiple crises are becoming more and more common. Seriously, the landscape has become a gimmick for the developers who have too high house prices. The population of Shenzhen is about 13 million. The 70% residents are rented and some high-end residential areas are fully enjoyed by the rich. The research on its diversified forms can be of certain practical significance for the equalization of public service in the housing level. In 2011, the civil affairs of the Shenzhen people were in civil affairs. The competition of "one household" in the biennial Shuangcheng biennial Biennale of Hongkong city / architecture in Shenzhen, which is hosted by the government, is also carried out around the core issue of the study of the inhabited residential area. In many aspects, it is very necessary to study the diversity of the residential landscape image.
In this paper, through in-depth investigation and analysis of Shenzhen's more characteristic residential areas, the analysis and study of various aspects of the division of style and detail elements, the characteristics of the diversity of landscape image in Shenzhen residential area, the advantages and disadvantages of the existence, and some constructive suggestions for development can be put forward to a certain extent. The direction of China's landscape development.
At the same time, this topic has been integrated into the research of ecological energy saving, low carbon, culture regionality, original authenticity, safety and so on. This topic is of great significance.


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