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发布时间:2018-07-01 19:34

  本文选题:房产税 + “国五条”细则 ; 参考:《天津大学学报(社会科学版)》2014年01期

[Abstract]:The property tax is a property tax based on the value of the housing tax or rent. The reform of the property tax should be aimed at regulating the gap between the rich and the poor and regulating the real estate market. The Interim Measures of the property tax and the Shanghai and Chongqing are the main body of the current property tax system. The Provisional Regulations on the tax basis of the enterprise property are the basis of the provisional regulations. There are problems in the tax standards. There are problems in the regulation of the tax on personal property differential use. There are problems in the provisions of the two pilot areas on the tax objects of the individual property tax, the tax basis, the tax rate arrangement and the nature of the tax. Although the 2013 "five articles" rules have provided a direction for the development and reform of the property tax system, but it is still the same. It is difficult to achieve the ultimate goal of legislation. It needs to be further improved. At the level of effectiveness, the property tax should be issued in the form of formal law. On the content, it is necessary to set reasonable levying standards and tax exemption standards between the self used property of the enterprise, the rental property of the enterprise, the personal property, and the individual rental property.
【作者单位】: 天津市政法管理干部学院《天津法学》编辑部;


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