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发布时间:2018-07-03 02:38

  本文选题:物业服务合同 + 抗辩权 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国房地产行业的进一步发展,业主和物业服务企业的维权意识也越来越强,物业服务合同作为业主和物业服务企业联系的纽带,成为了一种独立的民事合同。 物业服务合同履行中的抗辩权具有抗辩主体的特殊性、物业服务的不可计量性和持续性等特点。而我国关于物业服务合同履行中的抗辩权的行使与限制仅在2009年4月20日《最高人民法院关于审理物业服务纠纷案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》中的第5、6条做了原则性的规定,并没有具体进行明确。 业主行使抗辩权的类型主要表现为业主对物业服务企业先履行合同义务的抗辩、物业继受人对积欠物业的抗辩、业主对前期物业服务合同的抗辩、业主对物业协助义务的抗辩等;而物业服务企业在单个或少数业主不履行物业费交纳义务时,可针对该业主行使停止专属物业服务的抗辩权;在较多或全体业主拖欠物业费,致使物业服务企业经营受到影响时,其可通过采取降低服务标准、减少服务项目或者停止服务等措施来行使抗辩权。 虽然抗辩权的行使有助于保护小区的个人利益、规范物业关系,但同样也会带来妨害物业服务企业正常经营、损害小区公共环境、破坏社会秩序等危害,因此,在建筑物共有部分出现故障或者瑕疵,需要进行维修而物业服务企业维修不及时,单个业主不能基于建筑物共有部分的权利,对物业服务企业行使抗辩权,而应当经过一定数量或比例的业主同意,共同行使抗辩权;另外,对全体业主以没有签订前期物业服务合同为由行使抗辩权也应当加以限制。同样地,当单个业主没有履行物业费的交纳义务时,物业服务企业通过停水、电、气、暖等方式进行抗辩属于侵权行为,应当予以限制;当全体业主都拒绝交纳物业费时,物业服务企业也应当先向业主委员会协商,然后做好物业服务的交接工作后再行使撤离权,不能任意行使撤离权。 对物业服务合同履行中的抗辩权行使中存在的问题,应当通过规范抗辩权的行使来予以完善。建立完善的物业费收缴制度,解决好业主与物业服务企业的物业费交纳问题;列明抗辩权的行使和限制行使的理由和情形,更加明确业主和物业服务企业权利的行使和限制;明确业主和物业服务企业在诉讼中的举证责任,规范二者在诉讼中的行为。这样才能保障物业服务合同履行中抗辩权的规范行使,保障业主和物业服务企业的利益。
[Abstract]:With the further development of the real estate industry in our country, the awareness of protecting the rights of the owners and the property service enterprises is becoming stronger and stronger. As the link between the owners and the property service enterprises, the property service contract has become an independent civil contract. The right of defense in the performance of property service contract is characterized by the particularity of the main body of defense, the non-quantifiable and continuous nature of the property service. However, the exercise and restriction of the right of defense in the performance of property service contract in our country is only in Article 5, 6 of the Supreme people's Court on April 20, 2009, on the interpretation of some issues concerning the Application of Law in the trial of disputes over property Services Has made rules of principle, There is no specific clarity. The types of the owner exercising the right of defense are mainly the defense of the owner to fulfill the contract obligation of the property service enterprise, the defense of the property successor to the outstanding property, the defense of the owner to the pre-contract of the property service, The owner's defense of the duty of property assistance, etc., and the property service enterprise may exercise the right of defense to stop the exclusive property service against the owner when a single or a few owners do not perform the obligation to pay the property fee, and in the case of more or all the owners of the property, When the operation of real estate service enterprises is affected, it may exercise the right of defense by taking measures such as lowering service standards, reducing service items or stopping service. Although the exercise of the right of defense is conducive to the protection of the personal interests of the community and the regulation of property relations, it will also bring harm to the normal operation of property service enterprises, damage to the public environment of the residential areas, and damage to social order. If there is a fault or defect in the common part of the building and the maintenance of the property service enterprise is not timely, the individual owner cannot exercise the right of defense against the property service enterprise on the basis of the rights of the common part of the building, The right of defense should be exercised jointly with the consent of a certain number or proportion of the owners; in addition, the exercise of the right of defense by all the owners should also be restricted on the basis of not signing a pre-contract of property service. Similarly, when a single owner fails to fulfill his obligation to pay the property fee, a property service enterprise that defends itself by means of water, electricity, gas and heating is an infringement and should be restricted; when all the owners refuse to pay the property fee, Property service enterprises should first consult with the owners' committee, and then do a good job of the transfer of property services before exercising the right of withdrawal, can not arbitrarily exercise the right of withdrawal. The problems existing in the exercise of the right of defense in the performance of property service contract should be improved by regulating the exercise of the right of defense. To establish a perfect collection system of property fees, to solve the problem of property fee payment of owners and property service enterprises, to list the reasons and circumstances of exercising and restricting the exercise of the right of defense, and to clarify the exercise and restriction of the rights of owners and property service enterprises. Clarify the burden of proof in litigation between owners and property service enterprises, and standardize their actions in litigation. In this way, the right of defense in the performance of service contract can be guaranteed and the interests of owners and property service enterprises can be protected.


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