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发布时间:2018-07-03 15:01

  本文选题:公共租赁住房 + 国外经验 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Public rental housing, as a form of indemnificatory apartment to solve the bottleneck of low-rent housing and comfortable housing, plays an important role in perfecting the theoretical system of public rental housing security, expanding the coverage of affordable housing and stabilizing the real estate market. In the theory and exploration of public housing, developed countries with rapid urbanization have formed a series of effective experiences and practices, among which Sweden has a two-track parallel public housing security system. The Singapore government-led public housing operation system and Korea's strictly stratified public housing system are of great significance to the practice of shared rental housing in our country. In contrast to "the Stone of another Mountain", this paper combs the current situation and existing problems of the construction of public rental housing in China, explains in detail the operation of public rental housing in policy formulation, capital and housing source raising, rental pricing, access to exit operation. Supervision and management and other aspects of the shackles and hidden worries. Starting with solving the problems, this paper puts forward the concept of constructing sustainable operation mechanism of public rental housing in China. On the basis of defining the problems to be solved by the sustainable operation mechanism, this paper proposes to establish projects from planning, land fund raising, lease allocation and operation. In order to make a theoretical contribution to the healthy development of public rental housing in China, the author scientifically designs the overall framework of sustainable operation mechanism of public rental housing.


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