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发布时间:2018-07-08 21:45

  本文选题:房地产项目 + 标准化设计 ; 参考:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate industry of our country has made great progress in the research of standardization theory. With the establishment of standardized design system of real estate housing project in our country, the corresponding project risk management theory has gradually made great progress. At present, in the field of housing standardization design of real estate projects, the level of risk management has not reached maturity, and the risk management system is being gradually established and perfected. On the basis of consulting a lot of relevant documents of real estate standardization design and risk management, this paper puts forward the requirements of housing project standardization design for risk management based on the characteristics of residential project standardization design. Through the investigation and interview of senior professionals, the analysis of historical data and the flow chart, the paper identifies the risk of each stage of standardized design. Then, the paper carries on the risk analysis evaluation and the risk response, establishes the risk evaluation index model based on the chromatography analysis in each stage, and according to the ALARP minimum reasonable feasible principle, The corresponding risk coping strategies are formulated according to the risk assessment level of the model. Finally, this paper takes a residential standardization project as an example, carries on the qualitative analysis to the identified risk factor, and uses the model to carry on the risk analysis appraisal and the risk response to the project design stage. In this paper, the risk factors identification, risk analysis and assessment and risk response are carried out in each stage of the standardized design of residential projects. The purpose of this paper is to scientifically carry out risk management and decision-making, and to provide a safe management environment for the standardized design of residential projects. Effective quality control, schedule control and cost control to achieve the goal of project formulation. It is hoped that the research results of this paper will be of some reference value to the real estate project standardization design system and its risk management system.


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