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发布时间:2018-07-12 11:06

  本文选题:房产出资 + 现实困境 ; 参考:《安徽财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着改革开放的不断推进和市场经济的快速发展,我国经济领域中的商事交易活动异常繁荣,与之相伴随的是商事主体的异军突起以及对投资领域多元化的迫切需求。我国《公司法》及公司注册登记相关法律规范是商事主体得以注册设立、投资运营的重要法律依据。截至目前,上述公司法相关法律规范已历经三次修正。尤其是在国务院推进注册资本登记制度改革的新背景下,公司法对于公司出资方式、注册资本额、出资时间等规定做出改革,推行注册资本认缴登记制,放宽注册资本登记条件并简化相关行政审批手续。尽管如此,历次公司法的修正(订)似乎都赶不上公司主体设立运营中新情况不断发展的需要。本文着眼于我国现行公司法律规范中关于公司出资方式的规定,结合当前房地产市场蓬勃发展的背景下,包括自然人与企业法人在内的广大社会主体拥有众多房产财产的现实情况,探索以房产这一重要的不动产作为实物出资,并对房产出资中可能会面临的共有房产出资、未办理产权证书的房产出资、房产出资实缴登记以及房产出资中土地使用权问题等等现实困境进行分析,以试图对当前法律规范对于上述问题的调整提出改进建议。最后,从完善房产出资实务出资程序集责任制度构建进行阐述,以期对我国房产出资实务制度的完备提供参考建议。 本文第一部分首先对房产出资概念及其特点进行阐述,然后对主要包括现物出资、实物出资以及实物用益出资等房产出资相关概念进行分析,为下文论述作铺垫。 第二部分重点针对共有房产出资、未办理产权证书的房产出资、房产出资实缴登记以及房产出资中土地使用权问题这几个重要方面,分别分析各自出资实践中可能会面临的现实困境。对我国现行法律规范下上述问题解决的路径进行分析,并分别提出法律规范调整的改进建议。 第三部分在明确当前国家推进公司注册资本制度改革的大背景下,房产出资作为公司出资方式,也必须在实务中确立相关出资程序以及出资责任制度,从而在实现房产出资的同时最大化保障公司各方主体利益。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the reform and opening up and the rapid development of the market economy , the commercial transactions in the economic field of our country are abnormal and prosperous , which is accompanied by the foreign military projections of the commercial subject and the urgent demand for the diversification of the investment field .

In the first part of this paper , the concept and characteristics of real estate investment are expounded firstly , then the relevant concepts of real estate investment such as cash contribution , physical capital contribution and capital contribution are analyzed .

The second part focuses on the real estate capital contribution , property capital contribution , real estate investment real estate investment registration and the land use right in the property capital contribution , respectively , analyzes the realistic predicament that may be faced in the respective investment practice , analyzes the path of the above - mentioned problems under the current legal norm of our country , and puts forward the improvement suggestion of the adjustment of the legal norm respectively .

In the third part , under the background of clarifying the reform of the company ' s registered capital system in the current state , the property capital contribution is used as the capital contribution method , and the relevant capital contribution procedure and the investment liability system must be established in the practice , so as to maximize the interests of the parties of the company while realizing the property contribution .


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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前2条

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