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发布时间:2018-07-15 19:33
【摘要】:改革开放以来,随着我国经济不断繁荣发展,房地产行业也步入快速发展的轨道。该行业的有序发展对于维持国民经济增长、吸纳社会就业、改善国民居住条件和生活质量、推进城市化进程等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。但是我们也应该认识到房地产行业作为国民经济的支柱产业,在给我们带来巨大经济效益的同时,此行业的商业贿赂犯罪却大行其道,贯穿于房地产开发的整个过程。包括立项审批、项目选址、征地拆迁、、工程招投标、土地出让、规划审批、规费征收、产权登记、设备材料采购、工程管理和质量验收、预算追加和资金结算、银行信贷、房屋销售等诸多环节。这是我国相关法规制度存在诸多漏洞以及权利制约监督机制缺位所致。如果放任不管不仅会践踏法律的尊严,,损害党和政府在民众中的威信,还会透支社会资源,更为严重会给整个国家带来毁灭性的打击。因此加强对房地产领域商业贿赂犯罪综合分析和治理,特别是房地产领域中土地出让、规划审批、规费征收这三个环节,对于健全完善房地产行业相关法规制度,营造良好有序的行业环境以及削弱贿赂犯罪对国家经济发展所带来的恶劣影响等方面具有十分重要的意义和作用。 第一部分主要对房地产领域主要环节的犯罪现状进行概括性描述,侧重点在于土地出让、规划审批、规费征收这三个环节。接着对房地产领域商业贿赂犯罪的具体特点进行阐述,主要从犯罪主体涉面广、涉案金额庞大、窝案串案易发频发、犯罪手段多样化和隐蔽性强,犯罪总体态势严峻这五个方面进行论述。在此基础上配以相关案例对其进一步阐明,着重突出房地产领域商业贿赂犯罪给社会带来的危害。 第二部分是关于房地产领域商业贿赂犯罪产生的原因,以土地出让、规划审批、规费征收三个犯罪高发环节为切入点,着重从制度层面分析该领域商业贿赂发生的原因。一是规划调控制度不完善;二是房地产市场经济发展不均衡;三是土地监管制度不健全;四是规费征收制度不合理;五是权力缺乏制约;六是监督机制的缺位。 第三部分是对于房地产领域商业贿赂犯罪产生的具体原因、特征,提出针对性、可操作性的控制对策:一是构建权力制约和廉政监督长效机制;二是健全完善土地出让制度;三是加强规划调控机制的建设;四是规范规费征收制度;五是规范房地产市场运作秩序;六是加快建立有效查处房地产领域商业贿赂犯罪的机制。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the economic prosperity and development, the real estate industry has also stepped into the track of rapid development. The orderly development of the industry plays an important role in maintaining the national economic growth, absorbing social employment, improving the living conditions and quality of life of the people, and promoting the process of urbanization. However, we should also realize that the real estate industry, as the pillar industry of the national economy, has brought us great economic benefits, but the commercial bribery crime in this industry is widespread and runs through the whole process of real estate development. Including project approval, site selection, land requisition and removal, project bidding, land transfer, planning examination and approval, collection of fees, registration of property rights, procurement of equipment and materials, project management and quality acceptance, budget addition and fund settlement, bank credit, Housing sales and many other links. This is due to the existence of many loopholes in the relevant laws and regulations of China and the absence of supervision mechanism of right restriction. Not only will laissez-faire trample on the dignity of the law, damage the prestige of the party and government among the people, but also overdraw the social resources, it will bring a devastating blow to the whole country. Therefore, strengthening the comprehensive analysis and management of commercial bribery crimes in the real estate field, especially in the field of land transfer, planning examination and approval, and collection of fees in the field of real estate, will improve the relevant laws and regulations of the real estate industry. It is of great significance and function to create a good and orderly industry environment and to weaken the bad influence of bribery crime on national economic development. The first part mainly describes the crime situation of the main links in the real estate field, focusing on the land transfer, planning approval, collection of fees. Then the specific characteristics of commercial bribery crime in the field of real estate are expounded, mainly from the broad scope of criminal subjects, the large amount of money involved, the frequent occurrence of serial cases, the diversification and concealment of criminal means. The overall situation of crime is serious in five aspects. On this basis, with the relevant cases to further clarify, focusing on the real estate commercial bribery crime to the community harm. The second part is about the causes of commercial bribery crime in the field of real estate, with the land transfer, planning examination and approval, fee collection as the entry point of three crimes, focusing on the system level analysis of the causes of commercial bribery in this field. First, the planning regulation system is not perfect; second, the development of the real estate market economy is not balanced; third, the land supervision system is not perfect; fourth, the fee collection system is unreasonable; fifth, the lack of power constraints; sixth, the absence of supervision mechanism. The third part is about the specific reasons and characteristics of commercial bribery crime in the field of real estate, and puts forward targeted and operable control countermeasures: one is to build a long-term mechanism of power restriction and clean administration supervision, the other is to perfect the land transfer system; Third, strengthen the construction of planning control mechanism; fourth, standardize the collection system of fees; fifth, standardize the order of the real estate market operation; sixth, accelerate the establishment of effective investigation and punishment of commercial bribery crime in the real estate field.


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