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发布时间:2018-07-17 00:31
【摘要】:当前,随着我国城镇化地不断推进,城市在不断地改造、扩张,房地产业也得以飞速发展,且在国民经济中占了很大的比例。而就在城市化进程中,对古建筑的保护是否合理充分呢?如果存在不足,我们又该如何去改善这种状况呢? 在问题提出之后,本文在总结前人有关理论与研究的基础上,首先从“古建筑保护”及“房地产开发”的基本概念与两者的关系入手,阐释它们之间的对立统一关系,认为保护与开发是相辅相成,互相促进的关系。同时,笔者深入到长沙市老城区,采取实地调查问卷和统计分析的方法,对老城区的古建筑保护现状和原住居民的生活状况进行了阐述,随后深入分析了现阶段保护机制上存在的问题,并针对这些问题阐述了完善机制的对策。对政府而言,重视古建筑保护、合理规划、完善法律法规、积极引导房地产开发等等,是保护古建筑的当务之急;而对房地产开发而言,如何在保护古建筑的前提下,实现文化价值向经济价值的转化,是保护古建筑最行之有效的途径之一。文中,结合国内外的城市发展经验,以期能为长沙在今后城市发展过程中,处理城市发展与古建筑保护的关系,提供借鉴和帮助。
[Abstract]:At present, with the continuous promotion of urbanization in China, the city is constantly transformed and expanded, and the real estate industry has also developed rapidly, which accounts for a large proportion of the national economy. And in the process of urbanization, is the protection of ancient buildings reasonable and adequate? If there are shortcomings, how can we improve the situation? After the question has been raised, this paper, on the basis of summarizing the previous theories and researches, begins with the basic concepts of "ancient building protection" and "real estate development" and their relations, and explains the unity of opposites between them. It is believed that protection and development are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing relations. At the same time, the author goes deep into the old urban area of Changsha city, adopts the method of field investigation questionnaire and statistical analysis, expounds the present situation of the ancient building protection and the living condition of the indigenous residents in the old city area. Then it analyzes the problems existing in the present protection mechanism, and expounds the countermeasures to perfect the mechanism. To the government, paying attention to the protection of ancient buildings, reasonable planning, perfecting laws and regulations, actively guiding the development of real estate and so on, is the urgent task to protect the ancient buildings, but for the real estate development, how to protect the ancient buildings in the premise, Realizing the transformation from cultural value to economic value is one of the most effective ways to protect ancient buildings. In this paper, combined with the experience of urban development at home and abroad, this paper hopes to provide reference and help for Changsha to deal with the relationship between urban development and the protection of ancient buildings in the process of urban development in the future.


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