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发布时间:2018-07-20 16:59
[Abstract]:This paper makes a comprehensive analysis and research on the real estate investment decision, mainly including the cost management and control system, the function evaluation system and the establishment of the real estate evaluation index system and so on. According to the theory of fuzzy mathematics and value engineering, the optimal model of real estate decision is established. First of all, the general situation of real estate investment decision-making is understood, and the development of investment decisions of domestic and foreign housing enterprises is analyzed, and the primary judgment and analysis are made on the main influencing factors of real estate investment decisions. The main influencing factors of real estate investment decision such as cost control index system and function evaluation index system are extracted to prepare for the later decision analysis. Secondly, the present situation and existing problems of traditional decision evaluation method and modern decision evaluation method are analyzed, and the limitation and error of traditional method are compared. According to the characteristics of real estate investment decision, a new model of fuzzy comprehensive optimal selection and evaluation for multi-objective decision making is established by using fuzzy mathematics, analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy relative ranking method. In the optimal selection of the model, it is necessary to divide and choose the factors given to ensure that the results of the index analysis can truly reflect the actual situation and make the model more convincing, reliable and scientific. Then, the fuzzy evaluation model of multi-objective decision is compared with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model. The new research model is not only convenient for calculation, but also takes two parameters into account. It can overcome the weakness of the common models which tend to be average, and it is not easy to produce the phenomenon that the results are difficult to judge. This paper introduces value engineering to analyze whether the optimal ratio between the function evaluation system and the cost evaluation system is reached from the value engineering point of view to realize the economic benefit of the project and the best social benefit. At the same time, the correctness of the new model decision is explained, and the optimal scheme is optimized. Finally, the reliability and applicability of the new model are illustrated by an example of a large real estate project. At the same time, according to the fuzzy evaluation model of multi-objective decision, the software of real estate investment optimal selection is made, and the corresponding system flow chart is drawn, which promotes the decision-making process of the early stage of real estate to be more scientific and intelligent. The fuzzy evaluation model of multi-objective decision making mainly quantifies the qualitative index with fuzzy property such as experience method and opinion through scientific theory to make the result more reasonable and reliable. This method can scientifically analyze and judge the influence factors and deal with uncertainty and fuzziness. The model is good at solving the decision analysis of large real estate projects and can be used as the basis for judging the investment of real estate projects in the future.


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