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发布时间:2018-07-22 12:09
【摘要】:近年来,我国部分城市出现了房价过高、房价上涨过快、住房有效供应不足等问题。为进一步加强房地产市场调控,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展,国务院决定加大力度施行住房供给的双轨制,大规模增加公租房供应。公租房建设已成为各级政府工作中的头等大事,如何才能高效推进公租房的大规模建设是摆在他们面前的首要问题。 公租房的建设具有建设规模大、户型种类单一、户型面积小,且户型的标准化程度高的特点。结合公租房的这些特征,我们可以考虑在公租房的建设中采用装配整体式工业化生产的方式,期望借此来推进公租房的大规模建设。而与此同时,住宅的产业化发展在我国一直难以有效推行,我们考虑利用整体装配的产业化的方式来建造公租房,,也可以促进住宅产业化在我国的发展,可以形成一个互促机制。 本文通过探讨公租房建设的意义以及分析现阶段公租房建设存在的问题,引出公租房建设需更有效的建造方式的问题。首先介绍装配式住宅体系,了解住宅部品的相关内容,并分析装配式住宅体系相对于传统建造方式在提高生产效率、缩短建设工期、提升建筑质量等方面的优势和可能存在的问题。然后,本文通过从技术、成本等方面分析预制装配式内隔墙部品和楼梯部品的应用相对于传统建造方式的住宅部品的优势。并进一步把利用三种建造方式的内隔墙的直接工程费中的人工费用作为敏感性因素对建筑安装工程费用进行敏感性分析。并最终落脚于剖析装配式住宅体系应用于公租房建设的发展路径。以得到结论:公租房实施装配式住宅体系,不仅仅是良机,也是现实所需。
[Abstract]:In recent years, some cities in our country have some problems, such as high house price, rapid rise of house price, insufficient effective supply of housing and so on. In order to further strengthen the regulation and control of the real estate market and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, the State Council has decided to strengthen the implementation of the two-track housing supply system and to increase the supply of public rental housing on a large scale. The construction of public rental housing has become a top priority in the work of governments at all levels. How to effectively promote the large-scale construction of public rental housing is the primary issue before them. The construction of public rental housing has the characteristics of large scale, single type, small area and high standardization. Combined with these characteristics of public rental housing, we can consider the construction of public housing in the way of assembly integrated industrial production, hoping to promote the large-scale construction of public housing. At the same time, the development of housing industrialization in China has been difficult to effectively implement. We consider using the integrated assembly of the industrialization way to build public housing, which can also promote the development of housing industrialization in our country. A mutual facilitation mechanism can be formed. This paper discusses the significance of the construction of public rental housing and analyzes the problems existing in the construction of public rental housing at the present stage, leading to the problem that the construction of public rental housing needs more effective construction methods. First of all, it introduces the prefabricated housing system, understands the relevant contents of the housing parts, and analyzes that the prefabricated housing system can improve the production efficiency and shorten the construction period compared with the traditional construction mode. Improve the quality of the building and other aspects of the advantages and possible problems. Then, this paper analyzes the advantages of prefabricated internal partition and staircase parts compared with the traditional construction from the aspects of technology, cost and so on. Furthermore, the cost of direct construction of the inner partition wall is used as a sensitive factor for the sensitivity analysis of the cost of construction and installation. And finally settled in the analysis of the prefabricated housing system in the construction of public housing development path. In order to draw a conclusion: the implementation of prefabricated housing system is not only a good opportunity, but also a real need.


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