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发布时间:2018-07-22 11:56
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's real estate market has made rapid development, the real estate industry has become an important pillar of our economic development. As a typical capital intensive industry, the financing environment of real estate enterprises has an important role in promoting the development of the industry. At present, the financing mode of Chinese real estate enterprises is mainly owned by own funds and loans. However, there is a serious dependence on bank loans. With the continuous deepening of the national macro-control policies, the policy supervision of the banks and trust institutions has continued to increase, especially in the real estate enterprises, and most of the real estate enterprises are gradually falling into financing. Under this background, interlayer financing, as a new and efficient financing model, has been accepted by real estate enterprises and effectively widens the financing channels of real estate enterprises. In view of this, this article from the definition of interlayer financing, risk and return, mode, special point, advantages and disadvantages and the role of real estate financing. This paper analyzes the financing status of real estate enterprises in China and the necessity of interlayer financing. According to the current situation of the use of interlayer financing in real estate enterprises in China and the specific case of interlayer financing, this paper deeply explores the existing problems in the use of interlayer financing in real estate enterprises, and puts forward the further improvement of the interlayer financing model for real estate enterprises. In order to further establish and improve China's real estate financial system and make positive contributions to the sustainable and stable development of China's real estate industry, some countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.


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