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发布时间:2018-07-22 19:31
【摘要】:抗战胜利后,国民政府立即着手日占区敌伪财产的接收工作,这项工作,涉及范围广,动用人员多,接收处理财产数额巨大,在战后国民政府工作中具有举足轻重的地位。东北地区幅员辽阔,是日军侵华重要的后方基地,工业基础较雄厚且长时间未受战乱影响,故而日本投降后在东北留下大量财产。因此,研究东北地区敌伪财产的接收和处理问题,对于了解和分析当时全国敌伪财产的接收和处理情况具有重要意义。 本文从三个部分展开论述,具体内容如下: 第一部分为“国民政府接收政策的制定及接收机构的设立”,阐述国民政府及东北当局在接收处理敌伪财产前的准备工作,包括接收政策的制定,机构的设立,,及人员组成等。 第二部分为“东北地区敌伪财产接收与处理的具体内容”分别从工业领域、农业领域、商业及金融领域,房地产和其他重要物资等方面,分领域分阶段论述了对东北地区敌伪财产的具体接收过程。 第三部分为“国民政府接收处理东北地区敌伪财产的评价”,结合时代背景,客观分析和评价国民政府对于东北敌伪财产的整个接收工作,以及对战后中国经济,政治方面的影响。
[Abstract]:After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, the National Government immediately began to take possession of enemy and fake property in the area. This work involved a wide range of people, used a large number of personnel, and received and disposed of property in a huge amount, which played an important role in the work of the postwar national government. The northeast region is a vast area and an important rear base for the Japanese invading China. The industrial base is relatively strong and not affected by the war for a long time, so Japan left a large amount of property in the Northeast after the surrender. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the problem of receiving and dealing with enemy property in Northeast China, which is of great significance to understand and analyze the situation of receiving and dealing with enemy fake property in the whole country at that time. This paper discusses from three parts, the concrete content is as follows: the first part is "the formulation of the national government's receiving policy and the establishment of the receiving institution", This paper expounds the preparation work of the national government and the northeast authorities before receiving and handling the enemy and fake property, including the formulation of the receiving policy, the establishment of the organization, and the composition of the personnel, etc. The second part is "the concrete contents of receiving and disposing of enemy and counterfeit property in Northeast China" from the industrial, agricultural, commercial and financial fields, real estate and other important materials, etc. In this paper, the process of receiving enemy and fake property in Northeast China is discussed in stages. The third part is "the evaluation of the National Government receiving and disposing of enemy and fake property in Northeast China". In combination with the background of the times, it objectively analyzes and evaluates the whole reception work of the National Government to the enemy property in Northeast China, as well as the Chinese economy after the war. Political influence


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