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发布时间:2018-07-29 18:58
【摘要】:由于实行纵向一体化战略可以加强房地产开发集团对投资决策、设计、施工营销、物业管理等环节全过程的控制并有效降低交易成本,在当前限购、加息、房产税政策频频出台的房地产行业调控时期,成为部分资金实力雄厚、人力资源及技术储备充足的房地产企业进一步发展的选择。其中物业管理作为房地产产业链条的末端环节,对其成功运作可以强化同其他开发环节的联系,强化项目建设全过程的控制,充分发挥一体化的优势。然而,目前对于实行一体化运作的房地产开发项目的物业管理环节如何运作,即物业管理模式的研究尚不成熟,物业管理工作开展的首要工作是选择合适的物业管理模式,其次是模式选择后的项目运营和实施。那么,在一体化运作的前提下,房地产开发项目应如何正确选择项目物业管理模式,选择后又应如何进一步运营和实施,以匹配一体化对物业管理阶段的要求,从而发挥一体化的最大优势,成为目前实行一体化运作的房地产企业值得深入研究和探讨的重要课题。 基于此,本文对基于一体化运作的房地产项目物业管理模式的选择和实施展开研究和探讨。首先,在文献收集、系统整理的基础上,文章介绍并对比分析了一体化运作的房地产开发项目常用的三种物业管理模式;然后,通过剖析一体化运作下项目物业管理的目的,找出模式选择的依据,并依此归纳出影响项目物业管理模式选择的因素,同时构建了一体化项目物业管理模式选择模型,为一体化下项目物业管理模式的选择提供了量化的依据和方法;其次,围绕一体化这个核心,为项目物业管理的进一步运营提供实施方案,包括组织结构的实施、运作流程的设立和组织结构和运作流程基础上的运行机制的建立,最后,应用一体化项目物业管理模式选择模型对实行一体化运作的ZY集团下A项目的模式选择做了实证分析,并基于文章研究的实施方案为A项目在选定模式下物业管理的进一步实施提出具体对策。
[Abstract]:As a result of the implementation of the vertical integration strategy, the real estate development group can strengthen the control of the whole process of investment decision, design, construction marketing, property management and so on, and effectively reduce the transaction cost. In the current period of the real estate industry regulation and control in the current limited purchase, interest rate increase and real estate tax policy, it has become part of the capital strength, human resources and technology. There are plenty of options for the further development of the real estate enterprises. Property management, as the end of the real estate industry chain, can strengthen the connection with other development links, strengthen the control of the whole process of the project construction and give full play to the advantages of the integration. How to operate the property management link of the production and development project, that is, the research on the property management mode is not mature. The first work of the property management work is to choose the appropriate property management mode, followed by the operation and implementation of the project after the mode selection. Then, how to choose the real estate development project correctly under the premise of the integrated operation The project property management mode should be further operated and implemented after selection in order to match the requirements of the integration to the property management stage, thus exerting the greatest advantage of the integration, and becoming an important subject worthy of in-depth study and discussion in the current integrated operation of real estate enterprises.
Based on this, this paper studies and discusses the choice and implementation of real estate management model based on integrated operation. Firstly, on the basis of literature collection and systematic arrangement, the article introduces and compares and analyzes three kinds of real estate management models which are commonly used in the real estate development projects of integrated operation; then, through the analysis of integration, the integration of real estate development projects is analyzed. The purpose of the operation of the project property management is to find the basis for the choice of the pattern, and to conclude the factors that affect the choice of the project property management mode. At the same time, the model selection model of the integrated project property management model is constructed, which provides a quantitative basis and method for the selection of the integrated project property management model. Secondly, the integration of this model is carried out. At the core, it provides the implementation plan for the further operation of the project property management, including the implementation of the organizational structure, the establishment of the operation process and the establishment of the operation mechanism on the basis of the operation process. Finally, the model selection model of the integrated project property management model is applied to the model selection of the A project under the ZY group. An empirical analysis is carried out, and based on the implementation plan of the article, specific countermeasures for further implementation of the A project under the selected mode of property management are put forward.


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