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发布时间:2018-07-31 18:54
【摘要】:随看国家楼市调控政策不断的修订出台及房地产企业市场环境不断的变化,房地产企业区域内的竞争格局逐渐扩大,日趋激烈。消费者的需求也日益呈现出多样化、个性化的特点。想要追上消费者变化的步伐,房地产企业必须保持方分警醒状态,在企业战略、营销策略、经营管理方面都要依时而变,站在经济时代发展变化的前端。 本文在对房地产市场营销理论进行研究的基础上,结合华腾新世界项目的实际情况,制定一套适合企业特点的项目营销策略。首先,本文对房地产营销相关理论进行研究,归纳了不同时期不同研究人员对房地产营销的不同看法,为后续研究奠定理论基础。其次,从项目概况入手,针对项目面临的如国家楼市调控政策、柳州市城市发展规划等宏观环境及项目区域市场竞争对手等微观环境进行分析,进而得出本项目的SWOT分析要点,为下一步的项目市场定位提供事实基础:依据项目市场定位的实施步骤,本从经过房地产市场调查、房地产市场细分、房地产目标市场分析选择、房地产市场定位四个步骤为项目运作找到答案,这是房地产营销策略成功与否的关键。再次,在项目市场定位的基础上,本文通过组合个同营销策略来达到最终目的。在文中4Ps策略仍是组合营销策略的核心,通过产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略在实际项目中的运用,以期为房地严升友商拓展市场、抓住顾客需求提供借鉴作用。最后,本文围绕所提供的营销策略提出实施保障,包括公司营销理念的提升、培训优秀的销售人员、推动企业品牌建设及相应的人员激励制度,为促进房地严企业经营水半的提局,增强房地严企业的竞争力,起到积极作用。
[Abstract]:With the constant revision of the national real estate regulation and control policy and the constant changes of the real estate enterprise market environment, the competition pattern in the real estate enterprise area is gradually expanding and becoming more and more fierce. The consumer's demand also presents the diversification, the individuality characteristic day by day. In order to catch up with the pace of consumer change, real estate enterprises must keep the alert state, change in the aspects of enterprise strategy, marketing strategy, management and management, and stand at the front end of the development and change of the economic times. Based on the study of real estate marketing theory and the actual situation of Huateng New World Project, this paper formulates a set of project marketing strategies suitable for the characteristics of enterprises. First of all, this paper studies the theory of real estate marketing, summarizes the different views of different researchers on real estate marketing in different periods, and lays a theoretical foundation for the follow-up research. Secondly, starting with the general situation of the project, aiming at the macro environment of the project, such as the regulation and control policy of the national property market, the urban development planning of Liuzhou and the micro environment such as the competition of the regional market of the project, the main points of the SWOT analysis of the project are obtained. To provide a factual basis for the next step of the project market positioning: according to the implementation steps of the project market positioning, this paper from the real estate market survey, real estate market segmentation, real estate target market analysis and selection, The four steps of real estate market orientation are the key to the success of real estate marketing strategy. Thirdly, on the basis of the market orientation of the project, this paper achieves the final goal by combining the same marketing strategy. In this paper, the 4Ps strategy is still the core of the combination marketing strategy. Through the application of product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy in the actual project, this paper hopes to provide reference for the competition to expand the market and seize the customer demand. Finally, this paper puts forward the implementation guarantee around the marketing strategy provided, including the promotion of the company's marketing concept, the training of excellent sales personnel, the promotion of enterprise brand construction and the corresponding personnel incentive system. In order to promote the premises strict enterprise management water half the bureau, enhances the premises strict enterprise's competition ability, plays the positive role.


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