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发布时间:2018-08-01 13:05
[Abstract]:In the first half of 2014, China's gross domestic product (GDP) was 26.9044 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.4 percent at comparable prices. In the first half of the year, the gross output value of the national construction industry was 6.49 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.3than the same period last year. The construction building construction area was 8.914 billion square meters, an increase of 13.5m over the same period last year. Judging from the comparison of the increase of the newly signed contract amount with the gross value of the construction industry, since 2013, Growth in the construction industry fell below 20%, showing that the construction industry's high growth era has gradually gone away. The national economic growth rate enters 7 times, the fixed asset investment faces certain uncertainty, the government capital is embarrassed, the real estate enterprise fund chain crisis makes the construction enterprise's capital ability become the most important management ability at present stage. Individual super qualification enterprises have been on the verge of bankruptcy, small and medium-sized construction enterprises are facing survival crisis, the competent department is about to reform the construction industry, the construction industry will enter a new stage of development. The research in this paper will be based on the research methods such as research, analysis, statistics and so on, combining with the theory of strategic management, making full use of the research results and important ideas of relevant industry experts and scholars. This paper probes into the industry environment and development trend of the construction industry and the internal and external environment faced by company A. From the height of the strategic development of the enterprise, the paper makes a detailed study on the research tools of enterprise strategic management, such as SWOT analysis method, etc. This paper puts forward the strategic orientation and adjustment for the development of company A under the new situation, as well as the realization of the development strategy through the concrete strategy implementation strategy. Through the research, we think A company should rely on the development environment closely in the future, adopt the specialized and diversified development strategy, base on the traditional road and bridge construction business, make it fine and strong, at the same time actively expand BT business, realize the diversification development. As a result, the development strategy of Company A is clearer, the corporate governance structure is more reasonable, the management mechanism is more adaptable to market changes, the internal management system of the enterprise is more perfect, the business structure, asset structure and market structure are more standardized, Modern enterprises with more complete and coordinated development of industrial chain, more sophisticated equipment, more optimized talent structure, more harmonious enterprises, happier employees and higher level of information management.


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